8 - A Little Nudge (Sanders Sideskicks AU)

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A/N: in this AU, the Sides are able to alter their appearances/have distinct features when they're in the Mindscape.

This chapter contains swearing.


Lady and Storm loved their respective owners, truly.

But their hopeless pining for one another seriously needed to stop.

Like, come on!

Just get together already!

"Hey, Virge?"

Ah, here they go again.

Both cat and fennec fox watch the scene unfold before them, already knowing where it's headed judging by the awkward tension between their owners.

"Uh, y-yeah?" Virgil turns to face his fellow Side with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"I- uh... "

Lady huffs and rolls her eyes impatiently. She's literally witnessed this himbo of a prince practice his flirting skills in the mirror, and here he is now... doing a horrible job of wooing 'his fair Anxiety'.

Roman visibly gulps as he carefully words out what he wanted to say next, "I just, um... think that you're... really... pretty..."

*gasp* yes! Finally-

"-great! Yeah!" Cue awkward and nervous laughter, "just an overall... cool... dude..."

Virgil wasn't sure what to say to that.

"O-oh... thanks... I guess...?"


Lady brings up a paw to cover her own face in second hand embarrassment. Storm just sags and shakes his head.

"I'll see you around then, Princey."

"Ah, y-yes. Farewell, Emo Knight."

The two Sides share one longing look before parting ways, leaving their animal counterparts to wonder how they've managed to put up with their useless gay asses for this long.

Seriously, what will it take for those two to finally confess their undying love for another?

Have one of them be in mortal danger or something?

Oh wait...

Lady's ears perk up as a sudden idea pops into her head. Storm gives her a questioning look, to which the fox responds by pointing at the stairs.

It's about time they gave their owners a little nudge.

But they won't be able to do it alone...

So looks like they'll be getting the help of a certain raccoon.

-The Next Day-

Convincing Bandit to assist them only needed a bit of negotiating and 5 bags of cotton candy. Once that was settled, it was now time to put their plan into action.

Virgil had just gotten out of the shower and was now getting dressed into his usual angsty attire when he suddenly spots a tiny hand reaching out for something on his vanity.

His first instinct was to, of course, scream.

And that, in turn, lead to the hand scrambling to grab the closest thing it could grab– that thing being Virgil's eyeshadow, before hurriedly dashing out of the anxious Side's room with the makeup item in hand.

Unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough, because Virgil was able to get a glimpse of the tiny thief, and of-fucking-course it was Bandit. He lets out a long, frustrated groan.

Sanders Sides AU One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now