Remember Me

101 4 0

tw // Major Character Death


The Sides say/sing their last goodbye...

This one's a tear jerker bros grab some tissues


Thomas lets out a shaky sigh as he stares at the clock above his nightstand.

11:53 .

Not long now. He says to himself. Knowing that his time is slowly running out and he'll soon be reunited with his loved ones.

You see, Thomas, like every other human being, has reached that point in his life where it is time to leave the earth and ascend towards peace in heaven. He didn't think he'd reach the age of 97, but oh well, he won't be growing any older now that he's sure that he's on the virge of death.

Hah, virge .

"Unbelievable. Even on his deathbed, he still manages to make a pun." A familiar calm voice says with a hint of amusement in their tone.

Thomas slowly opens his eyes to be met with the sight of his logical Side and his other personality facets appearing in his room. He weakly smiles up at them and feels a wave of nostalgia hit him.

They still look as young as ever.

Well, as young as a 35 year old man can be.

They somehow managed to retain their ages from when the Sanders Sides series ended.

"Hey there, kiddo." Patton greets softly with a small wave.

"Pat, I'm literally older than you." The 97 year old Thomas says, laughing lightly.

"You will always be my kiddo, Thomas, no matter your age." the moral Side tells him firmly.

"Mm, okay." Thomas' reply came out more as a whisper, but they all were able to hear it.

Virgil couldn't stop the single tear that rolled down his face at seeing their host in this state.

"We uh, came here to say our g-...goodbyes, Thomas. In the form of a song. Courtesy of Roman." Janus stutters at the word goodbye , not wanting it to be true, but alas, fate cannot be changed.

"Sure, go ahead." Thomas urges them on with a small nod, deciding to keep his eyes closed, too tired to have them open for much longer.

"I'm all ears."

Roman takes in a deep breath along with Remus, both brothers trying their best to will away the tears that were slowly forming in their eyes. Roman then glances at Virgil and signals him with a short nod, the anxious side closing his eyes in concentration as he begins to strum the chords to Remember Me from Coco using the guitar he conjured up.

The twins start them off.

"Remember me... And all the dreams we made come true."

Logan then sings his part.

"Remember me... Though it may hurt to part with you."

Next was Janus.

"Your journey now comes to an end."

Then Virgil.

"I'm glad that you became my friend."

And last was Patton.

"Your heart is where I'll always be... Remember me."

The Sides return their gazes to their host, awaiting his reply, but all they get is a final rise of his chest before he stops breathing completely.

"Goodbye, Thomas." They all say in unison, watching each other and themselves fade away, but not before catching a glimpse of a little smile gracing Thomas' face as he finally rests in peace.

I'll see you guys on the other side.

Sanders Sides AU One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now