Met You by Chance, Loved You by Choice

575 22 99

Ships: Prinxiety, Logicality, Dukeceit

AU Summary:

This is based off of a dream I had.

Basically, Roman and Janus are the heirs to their families' businesses.

Their parents betroth them to one another to form a solid partnership.

Here's the catch: Roman and Janus don't meet each other until the ACTUAL DAY of their marriage.

And their parents don't bother telling them WHO they're betrothed to so yeah they're very much clueless.

The day before the wedding, both families agreed to stay at a high-class resort (where the wedding will also be held at).

Roman ends up bumping into Virgil who was, surprise surprise, Janus' younger brother!


I barely did much research for this story cause I didn't plan for it to be too in-depth.

It's also very dialogue heavy oof.

I know y'all came here for the Prinxiety and Dukeceit with a side of Logicality so that's exactly what you're getting.

This also has a bunch of references and cheeky little details both in and out of the fandom so if you manage to spot them all, I applaud you.

Oh, and my style of writing has a ✨comedic touch✨ to it, so I hope y'all have fun reading this haha.

- slight nudity
- implied nsfw content
- swearing
- fourth wall breaking
- no specific POV cuz the author thinks she's funny
- and Remus (bitch really be his own warning tag 👏👏👏)


Angry shouting can be heard from downstairs of the Kingsley Mansion, but a certain trashman couldn't care less as he's currently in the middle of watching po-*ahem* Pokemon by himself.

In fact, he was just getting to the best part (the climax) when suddenly...

Knock knock knock!

"ARE YOU DECENT IN THERE?" Roman, his twin brother, asks from the other side of the door.

"AM I EVER?" The clearly not decent twin responds back with a bored look on his face, his eyes still fixated on his phone screen.

Nonetheless, his door opens anyway.

Remus groans in annoyance, displeasure evident on his face because now he's not getting any pleasure due to being rudely disrupted from his 'guilty pleasure' that is watching Pokemon (anddefinitelynothomoeroticvideosontheinternetthathespecificallysearchedforhaHpshno).

So yeah!

With a reluctant grunt, Remus taps the pause button on the video currently playing on his phone and takes off his airpods. He then glances up to eye his brother with a scrutinizing look, but ends up snorting in amusement instead as he watches Roman enter his room with a hand covered over his eyes.

The other was wearing his signature red bomber jacket over a white fitted T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Meanwhile, Remus was clad in a neon green tank top.

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