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“Baby, take rest for sometime. You can’t keep working like this”, Taehyung entered your office. “Oh! Come on! All I do is sit and review the files. Also it's important because I am one of the directors”, you replied resting back.

He sighed knowing that you wouldn’t listen to him anyway.“Fine fine. Don’t overwork sweetheart”, he left with a kiss. You saw your big baby going out with a pout. 

Everyday his morning routine was to check if you had developed the baby bump. But it was too early for you.  You unintentionally caressed your belly. “You will have a great dad, my baby boo”, you spoke.

Months rolled. You still remember how Taehyung was excited when he witnessed your bump. He kept kissing and practically slept on your belly. You adored him as well as didn’t forget to tease him.

Sometimes it was too much. “Tae, I want to ask you something”, you would start off. One day you asked,“Baby! Will your love change?” He was terrified with that question.

“Why would I?”, he asked. “You adore our baby too much, once he/she is born, will you forget me?”, you asked with puppy eyes.

“Are you jealous of our baby?”, he chuckled. “No, I am scared”, you pouted. It took time for him to understand your mood swings.

He made sure to make you happy, secured and most importantly loving. “Baby, you are my first and last. You are my everything. Our baby is a part of you. That’s why I adore and love you so much”, he peppered your face with kisses.

“Promise me, you will kiss me like this for our whole life”, you said. “I promise you, I will. By the way, you know what I can do more than kissing”, he winked. You loved his side. A part of you felt bad for forgetting your childhood memories.

Maybe because of that, you tried to etch every moment in your heart. You saw him being patient every time you throw tantrums and helpful when you threw up constantly. Pregnancy was a smooth ride on a rough road because of him. 

One day, Jimin and Yuna came to visit you with a lot of presents for the unborn baby. “Oppa! I think you would be spoiling my child a lot”, you spoke after seeing the toys. “It’s a must when you are an uncle”, he laughed.

“Fine. What did you bring me?”, you asked. “My love”, he said and laughed. You glared at him. Yuna giggled at both of you. She gave a frock which would be comfortable wearing during pregnancy.

“Thank you so much Yuna”, you said happily. “Your sister’s mood swings are no joke”, Taehyung chuckled to Jimin. “I know right”, he laughed.

“So, how is the wedding preparation going?”, you asked them. “Everything is set. It’s great”, she said. "That's great Yuna!", You smiled at her.

"Oops!",you yelped. "What happened?", everyone got anxious. "The baby kicked", you said. "What?!", Taehyung immediately came near you and put his hands on your bump. "He felt so happy", he kissed the bump once again.

Jimin and Yuna looked at you both in awe. "If you are not going to treat me like this, trust me I will divorce you", Yuna said. Jimin giggled at her. "Well the food is ready, let's eat", Taehyung said.

You were all chatting and eating. Suddenly, Yuna excused herself and went to the bathroom. She came back with a weak smile. "It's nothing", she smiled. But still you noticed she felt uneasy. "Yuna, are you really alright?",you asked her.

"Yeah baby! You are worrying me", Jimin caressed her back. "It's okay Jimin, it's normal", she smiled. "How it's normal to feel uneasy", Taehyung asked her.

"It's normal for pregnant women", she said and suddenly gasped. "What?!", You and Taehyung were shocked. Jimin smiled sheepishly. "Baby, you busted", he laughed.

She hid her face in embarrassment. "This is why you both are rushing your wedding", Taehyung said. "Oppa! Can't you even wait till getting married?",you asked.

"Why are you asking me as if I was the one to be blamed? Is it possible without her-", he was cut off by Yuna.

"Stop! Don't embarrass me", she whined. "Jimin ah, you took my most efficient secretary to your company and instead of working..., you are unbelievable", he left a dramatic sigh. "Yah! Stop it, as if you got her pregnant without doing anything", he scoffed.

"Yah! We were married", he replied. "Ewe! Stop your nonsense, my baby might be listening", you laughed. "I am happy that our kids will grow together", you smiled. "Yes! That's true", Jimin said. "Just like us", he smiled at you.

"Mmm", you smiled at him. "You both are bickering for a moment and turn all lovely the next moment", Yuna chuckled. "It's something only siblings can do", Jimin replied. You laughed at his comment.

Days skip-

Jimin sealed Yuna's lips with a kiss. The wedding ceremony was finally over. Jimin and Yuna got ready for their honeymoon. "You guys actually completed the purpose of the honeymoon, but still have a safe trip", Taehyung teased.

"Just don't be jealous, that you couldn't go with y/n", Jimin replied. "Y'all stop. I am tired", you yawned. "Yeah baby, let's go home", Taehyung took you home after bidding goodbye to them. You were lying on the bed.

"Baby", Taehyung hugged you. "Yes, Tae", you said. "I want you", he whispered. "Yah!", You hit him in the chest. "Actually, Jimin said that it is good have sex during pregnancy and you will be relaxed too", he said.

Can you actually resist him? You gave in. He was slow and gentle. He was careful not to hurt you. You understood that it was one of his ways to show you how you are loved.

Once he finished, he placed a kiss on your forehead and plopped beside you. "Do me a favour, please sleep naked till our baby comes, after that we won't have much privacy", he said, but having a puppy face.

"Jimin is really a headache, how much did he pollute my cute baby's mind", you cupped his cheeks. He smiled exactly like a baby. "How can you act all cute while asking something hot?", You kissed his lips.

You know that you would never get tired of him. You fell for him every single day so did he. Even if the world stops, he will not stop loving you!


I got so much love for this series ❤️ So I decided to upload an epilogue 💕

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