Part 10

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His eyes, you tried to read what it wanted to say. You felt his hot breath near your face. "Doesn't it feel like it already happened?", he smirked. "But no one there is interrupt now", you said.

He leaned in and gave another deep kiss. He pulled away to catch breathe. You slowly opened your eyes, but he again crashed his lips on your, taking the whole dominance, he tongue explored your mouth.

You felt a tingling sensation in your stomach. Your toes were curled up. You held his shoulders tightly. He trailed his kiss towards your neck and soon found your sweet spot. Little moan escaped your mouth when he bit and started leaving marks.

His grip on you tightened for every minute. The air around you becomes hot. He was leaving butterfly kisses in your face and neck. In between the kisses he told," I love you y/n."

You were surprised to hear from him. Of Course you were happy, even a tear escaped your eyes. He noticed that and asked," What's wrong baby?", he asked.

"Ba- baby, you called me baby, did you mean it?", you asked shockingly. He laughed and placed a kiss on your forehead. "I mean it", he said. "Thank you", you whispered.

Disturbance does come in any form. Before he could continue, he phone rang. "Let me take that later", he sighed and leaned again. You put fingers on his lips. "Please, attend the call.

What if it's something important?", you said. He sighed and went to see the caller ID. "The great brother of yours!", he said sarcastically. You giggled at his comment.Jimin invited you both for lunch.

Little did he know things would spice up very soon between the both of you. "I will finish it tonight", he winked. You blushed like a tomato.

You both got ready and he was driving you to your home. You were watching outside the window. You turned to look at him. He was concentrating on the road.

"Why were you so cold before our marriage? I thought you never liked me", you asked him. "I thought being too close, you might feel awkward or uncomfortable. Remember to refuse my hands in the party", he asked.

"That's- because.. I-", you tried to give an explanation. But he took your hand and intervened with his'. "It's not my fault, I was always afraid of strangers.

They should have told me about our childhood", you pouted. "If we had told you, you would have thought it's just to convince you for the wedding.

You may not have believed in the first place", he said. "May be", you mumbled. "But still, at least you could have joined during our wedding purchase.

I expected that you would come", you pouted. "I am sorry y/n ah, but now we are good, aren't we?", He asked, squeezing your hands gently. "Mhhm", you nodded, smiling at him.

Time skip~

You had lunch with your family. You really had a good time. They told so many childhood stories of yours and even Tae and Jimin ditched each other. You got to know all the funny things that happened during their school days.

You both came back home. Actually you were really refreshed after having a good time. You were teasing Tae with things Jimin told you. It was a nice feeling for you to grow close to your husband.

Tae just played along with your teasing. As soon as you both entered the house. Tae pushed and pinned you against the wall. "You shouldn't have teased me so much baby", he said in a seductive voice.

"I don't regret", you said, looking down smiling. He smirked. "I know it's your first time, I will try my best not to hurt you", he said before tightened his grip on you.

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