Part 2

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He cut the cake and gave it to his parents and he gave a short speech. The party started and everyone danced for the lite music. You were not that confident so you sat and witnessed the surroundings.

On one side Taehyung was receiving gifts from various people. You noticed your brother and father seemed to discuss something so seriously. Your brother didn't even have his drink.

You just ignored them not putting too much thought into that. Some young men asked you to be the dance partner with them but you politely refused. Few offered drinks, but you don't drink alcohol too.

After sometime, Taehyung and your brother were laughing and talking to each other. "He is handsome", you thought. You stole glances from him a few times. Your brother saw you sitting alone. He gestured to come.

"Hey Y/n, he is Taehyung, my best friend, and Tae this is y/n", he introduced to each other.  You smiled and bowed towards him as a sign of respect. He smiled back.  "Want a drink?", Taehyung offered. "No, I-", your brother cut off by saying,"She doesn't drink, Tae."

He was a little shocked but he smiled. "Will you dance then or..", he trailed off. You said,"I am not much of a party person", shyly. "How can she be your sister Jimin ?", he giggled.

"Taehyung ah... She doesn't know much of my history. Please don't reveal", he laughed. Taehyung gave a boxy smile. You gave a suspicious look to Jimin. "I am not even surprised", you sighed.

Before they could say anything, Taehyung's father took the mic for an announcement. "I thank everyone for blessing my son on his day and I have invited all of you to announce the heir of my company, also my daughter in law", he paused.

You heard murmuring noises here and there. Some seemed to be shocked, most of the girls who tried to hit him were really disappointed.

He continued," It's a given that Taehyung is my successor and Mr. Park is my best friend, as are our sons. We have decided Ms. Park y/n as my daughter in law."

You heard people applauding for his announcement. But you teared up unknowingly. "This shouldn't be happening", you thought. You wanted to run from there. You felt like suffocating.

Jimin held your hands firmly. He knew you would do something stupid. You didn't even dare to look at Taehyung.

"Son, bring her to the front so that everyone can see my beautiful daughter in law", he said. You felt shaking. "It's alright, go y/n", Jimin said, patting your shoulder.

Taehyung tried to hold your hands because of your long dress and pointed heels. You politely neglected and said," I can walk myself."

You went to the front and bowed towards your front to everyone. You kept a poker face. You saw your mom, you could say she was happy and sad at the same time.

Your father and brother didn't seem to care about your feelings. They were more concerned about the company, money, reputation etc.

You didn't feel like talking to anyone but so many people came and congratulated you. You smiled at everyone. Taehyung and Jimin were talking about something. Your mom and Mrs. Kim came towards you.

"I am so happy to have you as my daughter in law y/n"she hugged you. You faked a smile hugging her. You whispered to your mom,"Mom! Please take me home."

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