Part 9

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You felt an empty bed, when you woke up. You went to your living room, Taehyung was sitting on the couch going through his phone.

"Tae- Taehyung...", you called him. He looked back and asked,"Did you sleep well?" "Oh! Yeah! But I am curious about something", you said scratching your neck.

"Let's eat first! Then we'll talk", he said. You agreed. You were hungry to "Why no one is here?", you asked, sitting on the chair. "They don't come here, if I have a day off", he replied.

It seemed like he cooked himself. "Eat well! You might be tired because of yesterday", he smiled. "Yeah! About that-", he cut you off by saying "Breakfast first."

You had no choice but to eat. After eating, I sat on the couch. He came and sat diagonally. "Do you want to talk about yesterday's incident?", he asked, sitting comfortably.

You took a moment and said,"I think you already know what happened, I think Jimin would have told you."  "But do I know you before that incident?", you asked.

He looked deeply into you. "So, you don't really remember me right?", he sighed. "After that incident, your parents wanted you to change the schools, but I wanted you to stay there with us.

When I visited you in hospital you were suffering from memory loss. I still remember that day, I came to you rushing and when I hugged you, you flinched and even got scared.

That is when I decided to keep a distance until you recover. I thought you will remember me, but", he sighed heavily.

"I am I am Sorry", tears formed in your eyes. "I didn't mean to but, I lost our memories", you stuttered. He sat near you and wiped your tears with his fingers.

He gently hugged you and said,"It's okay because I still remember our time being together, playing together Those memories are etched in my heart."

"Y/n ah... Come with me", he took you to a room. It was filled with a lot of old things. He pulled out a picture frame. It was you, Jimin and him. He had lots of your photos.

In one picture you and Tae were adorably sleeping, while resting your heads on each other's shoulder. You were smiling at those pictures.

"Why has no one said this to me? Even during our marriage?", you asked. "I told them not to. I wanted to say this myself someday. But the day came soon", he said.

In a picture, you were kissing him in his cheeks. You were embarrassed to look at that. You were so little, almost like a baby in that picture. "Why do they take pictures like this?", You whined.

"It's not their fault. You like to kiss me. You always kiss me you know", he winked. You looked at him suspiciously. The bread cheeks are irresistible though.

"I don't know if that was true or not, but I really want to kiss you now", saying you pecked his lips. He was shocked by your actions.

You shyly ran out of the room with your cheeks red. He followed you and caught you. He turned you around. He pulled your waist closer to him. Your hands rested on his chest.

He tucked your hair behind your ear. He caressed your cheeks. He leaned in to kiss you. You closed your eyes. You felt his soft lips pressing against yours.

He kissed you deeply. You felt his tongue doing magic.  Without breaking the kiss, you both made it to the bedroom. He made you lie on the bed and hovered over you.

You hid your face with your hands. He slowly removed your hands from your face. You saw him while blushing. But his eyes said something different.

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