Part 6

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Your heart raced like crazy. Your heart beats were heard outside. His abs, muscles and his perfect jawline, you admired those features. Both of your eyes locked. He pushed your hair gently behind your ears.

He was admiring your features. Your eyes, your nose and he came to your lips. He leaned in some more. You shut your eyes tightly hoping something exciting. He smiled.

But you heard someone knocking at your door. You abruptly opened your eyes. "I'll get that", you said and went to see who it was. He stood up feeling annoyed. It was one of the maids. She said," Mrs. Kim called you both for breakfast."

"Yeah! We'll come", you replied to her, hiding your flustered face with a genuine smile. "I am going down first", you said to him shyly and went. He chuckled at your cuteness.

He took his time to get ready. He felt his heartbeats are faster than usual. You were all waiting for him to come. As soon as he came, you all started eating.

In between Taehyung and his father discussed company and various things. It was not new for you. Jimin and your dad also would be like this. You kinda missed your family.

After finishing breakfast,"Sweety, I am accompanying your father in law for a business trip for a few weeks. Take care of the house", your mother in law said, smiling.

"Yeah! Mother, I will look after. Don't worry and have a safe trip", you assured her. She gave you a hug and whispered,"Make sure to have fun." You blushed understanding what she meant.

Few days passed

It was quite a normal week. You both were adjusting well.  As usual, he left the house to work. You were left alone with maids. You decided to do some gardening work for today.

Meanwhile you got along well with them. Head maid was so kind towards you. You got to know more about the Kim family. But even she didn't know much details about Taehyung.

He left abroad after finishing schooling. He came to Korea from time to time. Finally, he got married with you and settled down.

Head maid said,"Secretary Lee will come here this noon to take Taehyung's lunch. Is there anything you want to eat Miss?", she asked you. "Please call me y/n", you smiled. 

"Also May I give lunch to him myself, Why bother secretary Lee?", you giggled. Head Maid saw you lovingly. "It looks like you both are already close", she smiled at you.

You blushed at her comment. "It's not like that, I wanted to know him better", you said. She nodded, approvingly. At noon, you took the prepared lunch box and went to the company.

It was your first time going there, but everyone recognized you well. They said that he was attending a meeting.

You waited in front of his office. Another secretary asked you to wait inside his office, but you kindly refused.

Because Jimin would always freak out whenever you entered his office without permission. You could see the office staffs peeking their heads up and whispering something to themselves.

Secretary Lee came towards you and said," I would have come myself Miss y/n, you really didn't have to." "I have nothing to do there, I thought it would be nice to come here and give him myself, Secretary Lee", you replied.

He smiled and bowed. You bowed back. You heard everyone greeting. You were a little shocked, he was not alone.

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