Part 3

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The car ride was awkwardly silent. You controlled your tears, but it threatened to fall at any time. You didn't want to get married to a stranger. You wanted to marry someone whom you love, who would understand you but still you kept quiet.

Your whole family took a decision for their benefit. As soon you reached home, you ran to your room. You fell on the bed and cried your eyes out.

Your mom knocked on the door. You kept quiet so she decided to invite herself into your room. He saw your vulnerable state, she knew how you would be feeling now.

She gently sat beside you and stroked your hair. "Y/n ah! I married your father just like this. It was even worse. But you know what arranged marriage is not that bad.

As you can see we were always a beautiful family." You shifted your head to her lap. She took you in her lap in a comfortable manner.

"Will he be like dad, a gentleman, who would love his partner with all he has?", you asked between your sobs. Your mother had no answer for that. She told you to sleep and went outside.

Later your brother came in. Actually you were mad at him. You both always shared everything. But this time, he did not. "Y/n Ah", he called you.

You tightly closed your eyes and pretended to sleep. "I know you are not sleeping", he took a pause. "Taehyung is a good guy, I know him very well. No one can be better than him", he said.

You just listened. "At first, I did not accept this to our dad. But they all took this decision too fast, even Taehyung was not aware of this",he sighed.

You turned to look at him. "I bless you to get married to an unknown woman just like I am getting married", you said. He giggled," Y/n ah.. show some mercy", he pouted, slowly ruffling your hair.

"Get out!", you said, sniffing but also laughing. Only your brother can bring a smile to your face when you are sad. He wished you good night and went. Still you couldn't sleep.

You know that you can't turn back anything to normal, sometimes being born in this kind of family, these things are inevitable. It's not like you don't know that, it's just you were not ready to admit or mentally prepared.

You eventually slept at midnight. When you woke up, you had another shock. Your father announced that you were getting married in a month. Your family became so busy, wedding preparations were piling up huge like a mountain.

In between, Jimin arranged a dinner date with Tae. You refused at first, but you eventually agreed because you thought that you could know about him at least a little.

You wore a nice but a simple frock. Jimin dropped you off in the restaurant. That's just because he knew  that Tae won't let you go home alone and he had to drop you off. He did his best to put you and Taehyung closer.

The restaurant was huge and a beautiful dinner setting was inviting you. Tae was already waiting for you. Not to lie, your heart skipped a beat, he was so handsome. He smiled at you and offered to sit down.

You sat and remained silent. He broke the silence by saying,"Jimin said that you won't drink, so I didn't order one, is there anything you want for a drink?", he asked.

You said,"I am okay with water. If you want you can have drinks, I don't mind actually", slowly you spoke confidently. "Then who will drop you off?", he said a little sarcastically.

You didn't know whether he was joking or irritated. You couldn't comprehend anything also you were not in a mood to put counter sarcasm. The dinner was quiet. He dropped you in front of your home.

You had so many questions to ask but nothing came out of your mouth. At times you felt your tongue went numb. When you reached your home, you asked," Why did you accept to marry me?"

He saw you deeply," It's not like I have a choice." You seemed a little hurt, but he was honest. It's the same for you too. You nodded and bid farewell to him. He waited till you vanished from his sight and then he left.

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