Chapter 9 - Does this mean..?

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~Kristine's POV~

"I was saying that I think I lo-" there was a banging on the door "Well fuck.. WHO IS IT?!?!" Andy yelled obviously frustrated  "I can't make it up the stairs" Ashley slurred "Sleep on the couch or get Jinxx also be quiet Jake is resting" Andy said impatiently he turned his attention back to me

"I  think I love you too" I said a pink blush overcomming my face "Well Kristine I would like to go on a date with you tomorrow if that's alright" Andy asked but it was more of an 'I know you will say yes so there's no point of me asking' way "Yeah, make the best of it cause Monday I have to go to school" I said knowing I would be happy with him

"I'm gonna go up to my room and go to sleep because I'm pretty tired" Andy said standing up "You can stay and sleep here with me tonight.. if you would like" I offered knowing he would probably accept "Oh  okay that helps me avoid the guys, the drunk ones" He said laying next to me we cuddled and fell asleep

~Time Lapse Morning~

I woke up to sadly not my alarm. I woke up to my brain not really I just woke up I looked at my phone  it read: 4:26am Febuary 1, Sunday 

'great'  thought to myself I felt a stirring in my bed and turned to realise it was just Andy he had a small smile and it made me so happy but I wonder what he's dreaming about I just got up and went to the bathroom after that I layed back down in my bed. Wait. THE bed I guess I tried to sleep and that didn't exactly work out

I ended up scrolling through my phone for about five minutes when I realized I needed to re-dye  my hair so I got my bag with all of my hair dye I looked through it pink, red, orange, green, blue, purple, white,  and the most important bleach. I mixed and applied the bleach and watched batman cartoons for about 30 minutes and then washed the bleach out and dried my hair

I grabbed the pink and blue they looked like they would go together like cotton candy colors. It has been a while since I've done cotton candy colors, almost a year. I parted my hair and put the color in and waited another 25 minutes watching batman cartoons and eating washed out the colors and dried my hair

When I looked  in the mirror I was so happy with how it turned out it was beautiful I pulled out my phone took a picture and sent it to Taylor

(text convo T=Taylor K=Kristine)

K: (Image) I love the results of this dye!!

T: Oh my god it's beautiful what dye did you use

K: I'm not sure and I just put the dye away and don't feel like getting it back out

T: :( okay well tell me what dye you use next time ok?

K: Yeah, sure will do

T: Okay well I'm gonna go back to bed

K: Sorry if I woke you up

T: No it wasn't you it was my  dog and cat they felt like play fighting in my bed at 3am

K: Oh that sucks well night

T: Yeah night see you later doll

I smiled as I opened up instagram looking at posts from all of the awesome people I follow I posted the picture of my hair instantly getting likes and comments 'What dye did you use?' 'it's beautiful' 'I would never have the confidence to have my hair such colors' 'why are you so amazing?' I obviously couldn't  answer all of the questions so I just kept scrolling through the feed untill I saw all of the new photos

I got onto facebook I had about 4 new messages read them all most saying 'hey it's been a while we should hang out sometime' there was 3 of them I responded to 2 I could meet up with at once since they lived together and it was in one of the group chats 'yeah how about uhm either friday or sunday.. sorry I have to ask someone to verify the times' 'it's alright we're free all this month except for school speaking of you're comming back right?' she replied instantly 'okay and yeah I'll be ther e Monday unless I die or something' I got off facebook thinking I'll talk to them after I ask Andy about it    

I laid down and soon felt some movement in the bed next to me "Morning beautiful" Andy said stretching "Morning I've been up for over and hour now" I responded "Oh sorry, you should've woke me up" He said "It's fine. Would you like breakfast?" I questioned "Uhm yeah.. but I'm not sure what do you want to go out to eat?" He asked "Well I was planning on making you food but I guess" I said streching "I'm gonna go get ready I suggest you do the same" Andy said walking out of my room 

 I grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans and my rainbow tank. I took a shower did my hair and makeup. I ran downstairs to find Andy putting his shoes on so I grabbed my shoes and slid them on following Andy outside to the car

~Time Lapse home from brunch~

"Sooo..." Andy said hugging me after we got inside it's been about an hour since we ate and all the guys are out who knows where they said that they'd be gone for a minimum of 6 hours so Andy and I had they house all to ourselves “Soo..” I mocked him “So.. I wanted to know if you would like to be my girlfriend?” He whispered it in my ear and with every word I felt his hot breath on my skin “Yes, I would love you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me” I responded with a big grin

He pulled away from the hug his warmth disappearing I frowned wondering why he let go of me and not realizing he had leaned down his face closer to mine, his lips brushed across mine and before I knew it we were in an unbreakable kiss and he had me pinned up against the wall

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