Chapter 7 - That escalated quickly

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~Kristine's POV (Point Of View) ~

"Ready!" he said panting from running down the stairs "Chill my little tiger" I said sliding my shoes on "Alright let's go" I said running out the door "Calm down little Kitten" He said in a cute, loving tone my heart didn't know to skip a beat or melt so it did both. We got in the car and pulled out of the driveway.

I saw my father's car pulled on the side of the road "hold on pull over there" Andy did as I said I got out of the car "I'll be back" I walked over to my dad's car and knocked on the window he jumped "Hey by the way that's the car so yeah follow us" I told him "us?" "You'll see" he followed us there

"Oh I hope this goes well" I said getting out of the car "Me too" Andy said. We walked in ordered our coffee paid and sat down. Seconds later my dad walked in ordered his coffee found us and sat down

"Hi" I said as he sat down "Hello" my father responded I felt almost sick "So.." I said as he setteled himself in the seat "I'm sorry, so so sorry for everything bad I've ever done" he seemed sober "it's alright, I'm over it" I said quickly and quietly "No it's not I was terrible I hurt you" he started to cry "1 stop crying 2 it was just a way to get over what happened.." I said I was being truthful to what I thought "What being drunk all the time? Beating you? Constantly hurting you?!? No it's not it's pathetic, it made everything worse" He managed to get out "I said it's fine" I said and started crying and Andy held me "Shh baby it's gonna be alright I'm gonna protect you" Andy whispered into my ear holding me tight "I'm sorry" my father said sobbing "I can't.. I have to go" I told Andy just over a whisper "Okay honey" Andy said while making me sit up wiping the tears from my face "I'm sorry I have to go you probably should too" I said quietly looking down Andy picked me up "No Alcohol" I said while Andy carried me away bridal style and I held our coffee because it seemed that there was no other ways to make the fact of ANdy carring bothe me and the coffee unless it was a piggy-back ride which (unfortuanitly) wasn't gonna happen

~Time lapse home~

Once we got home I moped around for a while I eventully gave up and headed towards my 'cave'. After about 10 minutes of just laying in my bed crying Andy came to check on me. "Hey" he said sitting next to me I curled into a ball and hugging my knees "are you okay?" He asked I could hear the concern in his voice. I looked up at him "no" I choked out sobbing some more "come here babe" he said as he pulled me into his lap "Hey Andy!" We heard Ashley yell "Damn it!" Andy said sorry I'll be back "nooo" I whined "how important is it Ash!" Andy yelled into the living room I fell off the bed reaching for Andy "ouch" I started crying by that time Andy was running into the living room so I picked my crying self up and walked out.

I saw why Andy ran out Jake was bleeding "What happened?!?" I asked freaking out grabbing my phone out and calling an ambulance when the people arrived they took him to the hospital. We were all freaking out. "Jinxx! C.C.!" Andy yelled they ran downstairs "Alright there's two ways to do this Jinxx you stay with Kristine or we all go" everyone looked at me "1 I don't feel good and 2  I probably look like shit and 3 I'm in a lot of pain so conclusion I want to stay I'm worried but I want to stay" I said "Alright" Andy said "We'll explain later Jinxx we've gotta go" Ash said pulling the guys out the door 

I just started crying again heading back to my room "Hey Kristine what's wrong?" Jinxx asked "Well 1 I don't know what's wrong with Jake 2 I'm in pain and 3 I want Andy no offense I just want to talk to him and just.." I trailed off and started crying again "Shhh" Jinxx was trying to calm me down at this point it's been close to an hour since I've been crying Jinxx picked me up and carried me into my bed since I couldn't make it past the doorway "I'm sorry I'm pathetic" I told Jinxx curling into a ball "You're not pathetic you're just upset" he said scooping my body up and holding me 

~Time Lapse 2 hours later~ 

I woke up in Jinxx's arms to hear "What the hell is going on here?!?" Andy was yelling cause I guess he didn't understand/was afraid of what was happening between us "ouch" I whined rolling of Jinxx "1 stop yelling that hurt 2 why were you holding me 3 how is Jake?" I asked "Sorry you cried yourself to sleep while I was trying to comfort you and I felt bad because all during you sleep you were basically calling for Andy" Jinxx replied "As for Jake he is in the hospital they have to monitor him over night so yeah.." Andy explained "Oh okay" I said more like slurred because I felt ike shit. "Can you leave us alone for a minute Jinxx?" Andy asked politely Jinxx walked out of the room Andy closed the door and got closer "I missed you" I said as he sat next to me "I missed you too" he said hugging me I hugged him happily and he moved closer so we were cuddling I wrapped my arms around his stomach laying my head on his chest "Please don't leave me" I asked ready to cry 

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