Chapter 5 - She means a lot to me

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~Kristine's POV(Point Of View)~

We work like a well oiled machine from being so close for so long. We had brushed our hair and we were fully dressed in pastel cotton candy tanks that show our ribs and mid-thigh tight black shorts. "Eww stairs" Taylor said like a child I giggled she was so cute "Please?" she looked at me with a pouty face "Already on it" I said picking her up bridal style and carrying her downstairs the guys looked at us "Wow you guys..." Ash said looking at us "What?" I asked settting Taylor down on her feet "It's like two of the same people" C.C. said astonished Taylor and I faced eachother and held eachother's hands "It's like I'm looking in the mirror" we said at the same time "True" everyone said Taylor and I hugged "I'm hungry" she whispered in my ear "Me too anyone else hungry??" I questioned "Yeah" everyone yelled at once

"Okay so do we want to go out to eat??" Andy asked "Ash? Kristine?" C.C. asked "Doesn't matter to me" I responded "Yeah where?" Ashley asked "I have a plan" Andy said "Hey Taylor?" I asked  "Yeah" "Do you want to go get dressed into something more appropriate" I questioned "Yeah let's do that" Taylor said walking into my room "How about these?" I said pulling out two pairs of ripped black skinny jeans "Anddd these" Taylor said pulling out two Ghost Town tanks. We quickly got changed "need socks and shoes" we grabbed two pairs of black ankle high socks and slid them on "I wore my pastel cotton candy Hello Kitty creepers today' Taylor said sliding them on "Me too" I quickly putting them on we ran out to the living room "ready!" we said at the same time "Alright let's go" Andy said opening the door

 We all squished into the car under certain circumstances Andy was driving Ashley was in the passengers seat Jake, Jinxx, C.C. Taylor, and I sat in the back Taylor was on my lap and C.C. was practically sitting on the floor "this is comfortable" I said sarcastically I'm used to Taylor sitting on my lap I mean it's been this way since what 8th grade? I didn't mind she was amazing she was like a mirror to me with practically everything 

~Kristine's 'daydream' of  the past~ 

Taylor and I met before we could remeber. She moved away when we were 6 then she moved back when she was 10. When she moved back she went to the arts school then a few years later in 7th grade she went to public school we saw eachother exchanged numbers talked everyday then in 8th grade I told her I was bisexual and she told me she was the same way we did our hair the same and then when we were both 16 we talked about tattoos and we decided to get the same tattoo the same place. It was on our upper ribs it hurt like hell but it was worth it. They were beautiful it was a black rose with a banner that said 'never ending hope'. We dated for 3 years I don't regret it but it just was terrible never getting to explain my problems or her to meet my family so we stayed best friends but oh well. It's over now I can't do anything about it.

"Kitty!" Taylor yelled snapping me out of my day dream "Huh? wow. it's been a long time since you called me that" I sighed realizing they wanted us to get out of the car I picked her up and walked inside the resturant we talked about random things for an hour or so and we finished our food and left the place. I think Andy paid I'm not sure it all went by in a blur.

"So where do we want to go now?" Andy questioned and looked at me "Uhm you know as weird as it may sound could we go to a river or park or something?" I asked scratching my neck "yeah sure" Andy responded "Actully nevermind you guys go wherever you want I'll find one  by myself" I said wanting to go through my thoughs and be alone "Well at least let me drive you there" Andy asked "Uhm I guess sure" I said wanting to sort out my problems there was a five minute drive and we finally arrived "thanks" I said climbing out of the car 

I walked over to a tree and hid behind it I started full out crying. Yep here we go another breakdown. "Why? why do I have to be here I'm a mistake and I should run away so they don't have to worry abput me I'm a fool why do they treat me I amount to anything??" I whispered inbetween sobs "Hey hey hey Shhh don't say that" I heardd someone say I turned and looked it was Andy "I..." I couldn't begin to understand why he was here "where are the guys and girl??" I asked "They walked to a park that's about 5 minutes away" Andy responded in a hushed tone "Come here" he said gesturing for me to get closer to him I moved closer to him. We cuddled for an unknown amount of time somewhere around 20 minutes.  

"Hey Andy could we get coffee?" I asked "Uhh yeah we can" he said getting up and brushing the dirt off his back "Can we walk?" I questioned "Yeah I don't see why not" Andy said grabbing my hand. We walked for probably 10 minutes found the coffee shop walked in ordered I paid before he could he hated it. "You paid for dinner" I said sticking my tounge out at him "Well you bought the coffee on our last date" he said mocking me "So are you calling this a date?" I questioned "I don't know" we sat down and drank our coffee and talked for around 20 minutes "I'm getting tired" I yawned "Let's go he said carrying me bridal style and I held our coffee as we left. He carried me into the car and set me down in the backseat. He drove for a minute or two "I'll be right back" he said opening the door and calling for the guys to get into the car. I quickly sat up while they got in Ashley climbed in the back and sat next to me "Taylor said she was gonna go home so she walked to her house" Ashley told me "Okay" I said tiredly laying my head on Ashley's shoulder "Are you okay?" Ashley asked "Yeah I'm just really tired" I basically whispered 

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