Chapter 8 - I will never leave you

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~Kristine POV (Point Of View)~

"I missed you too" Andy said hugging me I hugged him happily and he moved closer so we were cuddling I wrapped my arms around his stomach laying my head on his chest "Please don't leave me" I asked ready to cry "I'm never gonna leave you Kitty" Andy smiled at me "Why 'kitty'?" I asked  "I don't know I thought it was cute and I thought it fit.. Why? Do you not like it?" He said in an upset-ish tone "Uhm it just reminds me of the past" 'that is the exact same explanation when Taylor gave me the nickname' I thought "I'm sorry" He looked at me with a concerned and questioning look

~Time Lapse 48 minutes later~

I woke up laying in Andy's arms and I can't seem to remember much of what happened oh well.

"Oh my god you're fnally awake I was terrified" Andy shouted

"Oh sorry.." It was really awkward when stuff like this happened to me

Ashley walked in the room "Okay I heard shouting..." 

"Uhm yeah.. I guess I just had a sleep attack" I said strachting my head 

"Sleep attack?" They both stared at me in confusion

"Uhm yeah I have Narcolepsy and you can have sleep attacks. A sleep attack is when you just fall asleep at any time and don't know for how long.." I explained "Oh I should probably tell you that too.."

"What?" Ash looked at me confused

"When my friend's parents took me to the doctors.." I got cut off

"Friends parents?" Andy asked

"Yeah I was over at my friend's and I passed out while we were eating and they knew the whole family situation so they took me to the doctors since all my dad did was drink and beat me. They were really nice anyway. Took me to doctors and found out I have Narcolepsy and ASPD or Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder." 

"And that is..?" Ash asked sitting down

"Well it's where you go to bed and wake up earlier than the normal times I just have the waking up thing" I explained

"What are the times just so we know?" Andy asked

"well going to bed is 6-9pm which I almost never do and waking up is 1-5am"

~Time Lapse later that night~

It was about 10pm when I saw my phone light up. I reached over to grab it "Damn it" I whispered frustratedly "hmm?" Andy asked "I dropped my phone. How did you not notice the 'thud'?" I asked we were sitting in the living room watching a movie with the lights off. It was a horror movie so lights off to make a better, more 'scary' environment "I guess I was too focused" he said almost distracted

I got up and grabbed my phone, unlocking it as I was sitting down next to Andy. I saw there was a text from Taylor it read: Hey buddy you comming to school Monday??? Cause I mean you missed a week and there's only a few weeks left

"Ugh" I knew I had to finish the year "What's wrong?" Andy asked snapping his attention away from the movie "Well I have to go to school Monday, there's only a few weeks left because we have a bunch of breaks from school because they're letting us find jobs and what not" I didn't exactly know how to explain it "Oh, well that sucks but overall it's only around 3 months" Andy said "Oh Jinxx 3 months. That is more than a few weeks but we still get breaks" I knew it was the best  idea for me to finish school

"One It's gonna be alright hun two what's with the Jinxx thing?" Andy questioned "I know and I don't really like say Oh lord or Jesus or god cause I always was yelled at for it I mean my dad used to beat me and tell me 'god doesn't love you' and then he started saying there was no god" I told him "I'm sorry sweetie if there is a god he loves you" He responded "You shouldn't be sorry and what's with the pet names lately?" I was truely confused "I don't know I think I love you.." He said I was in complete shock

"I think I-" 'Bam!' The door burst open "Boo!" Ashley yelled I'm pretty sure he was at least slightly intoxicated I was frustrated and scared at the same time "Or I can just get rudely interrupted" I said trying to get him to go upstairs he just kinda stood there and the C.C., also intoxicated stumbled in the door followed by ak not-so intoxicated Jinxx "Sorry about them they made me take them to a bar and I was the driver so .." Ashley stumbled over to the couch breaking Andy and I apart and cuddling up to him 

I got up and walked towards my room "I am going to sleep goodnight" and I walked into my room I layed down and set my alarm on my phone then plugged my phone in to charge then the door opened "Who is..?" I couldn't finish my sentence before a drunk C.C. stumbled in "A-A-An-Andy wa-wanted me t-to te-tell y-you" "God damn it C.C. shut the hell up and go to bed" Andy pushed C.C. out of the doorway and walked in closing and locking the door

"We don't need those drunk fuckers comming in here and yelling" he said sitting next to me "So what's up?" I asked sitting up "well you never got to finish what you were saying.." He said trying to get me to remeber "Oh yeah that's right.." I said sarcastically "I was saying that I think I lo-" there was a banging on the door "Well fuck.. WHO IS IT?!?!" Andy yelled obviously frustrated  "I can'tt make it up the stairs" Ashley slurred "Sleep on the couch or get Jinxx also be quiet Jake is resting" Andy said impatiently he turned his attention back to me

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