Chapter 3 Fight

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Chapter 3 Fight

Fawn POV.

“You let him in!?” Caroline yells out. I jump and look at her confused. 

"Uhhh.... yeah. What's wrong with that. Clearly you both know each other. I wasn't just going to leave him outside in the cold"  I said. She glared at me and walked over to a cupboard door by the fridge and opened and then walked away. 

I'm taking that as that's where the tupperware bins are. I walk over and grab a big enough bin for my hal burger and salad, I place it on the counter behind me and shut the door. 

"Yes I know him...-" Caroline mumbles out. 

"Then I don't see a problem with him coming inside from the cold air. So what's the problem with me letting him in the house?" I ask, opening my bag of food and placing everything onto the table. 

I grabbed a knife and cut my board so I could cut my burger in half. When my burger was cut in half I placed one half in the tupperware bin and put half of my salad in it too. I close it and place it into the fridge and then walk over to the food and take it to the table and take a seat. 

"That is not it!" Caroline yells out. 

What is happening? Why is she yelling at me? All I did was let her friend, my soulmate into our house, why is she yelling at me? "Then what is it?" I ask. I take a bite of my bacon cheese burger and look at her with a confused expression on my face. She shakes her head and looks at my soulmate. I move my eye at him to see him already staring at me with a small smile on his face. I could feel my cheeks heat up and a small smile form too. 

"Klaus! Klaus!” 'Snap' “Klaus!" Caroline yells out. 

My eyes snapped from Klaus to Caroline with a raised eyebrow, in the corner of my eye I could see him look away from me to Caroline, "Why are you staring at my little sister?" She asks. 

Because we are soulmates and we had accepted our first bond with each other, but of course she doesn't know that. "Sorry Caroline. You were speaking about what?" Klaus asks. 


I move my eyes from my angry sister to him. Why is he so damn hot. 

"I was wondering why you're staring at my little sister?" She asks again. 

Why do you need to know?

He raises his eyebrow at her, “Because she's stunning” he said. 

I choke on my food and start coughing like a crazy man. STUNNING!!!? He thinks I'm stunning? Well it's like I'm choking when all I need is water. I drop my burger down and cover my mouth, I get up from my chair and as fast as i could and not look stupid in the process I look for a cup to fill with water. 

“Stunning? Ha that hilarious. Seriously why were you staring at her?” she asks. 



Did he just growl at her?

“I'm being honest here. She's stunning, breathtaking-”


Caroline shuts him up quickly, "I'll be right back. Stay here" she said leaving the room. I could hear her run up the stairs to her room. That was fast.  

I turn around from the sink and I lay my back on the cupboard, "Why is she like that?" he asks, pointing towards the stairs. 

"What...? Oh you mean her being a total bitch to me?" I ask and shrug my shoulders. "I really don't know, it has always been like that so I'm used to it" I said. 

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