Chapter 24 Home

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Slight warning
Hey... this sucks so fricken bad. I have a colonoscopy and gastroscopy today... sorry if this is gross. Yesterday and today I had to drink this drink that helps empty me out... doing that really took almost all the energy I had in me to drink this stuff and not throw up. I am terrified of throwing up, like fully on bowling my eyes out terrified of it, having to have somone with me at almost all times when I feel like I'm going to throw up because I'm so fricken terrified of throwing up, and this stuff does make you throw up at times, so that caused a lot of panic attack and anxiety to rise in me even more, plus the fact that doing all of this and thinking about the next day having to drink another 2L of this sh** has caused panic attack to happen where my sister had to calm me down... I was so close to giving g up because of everything I was feeling at the time.
I had this test before but that was like 5 years ago and all really remember is what happened at the hospital and not the preperation. The preperation is what has gotten to me the most, plus my back is really out and that hurts like a mother f***er. I also smoke weed and of anyone smokes weed would understand what it feels when you cough when your back is out, plus if you cause a cough attack.
I just posting this because I needed to vent a bit and that you guys know why I havent comment or dm you back. My phone will be off up until I wake up and is awear of myself.
Please dont asks for an update after this one I post.

WARNING NSFW!!!! Skip if you don't like topics like this. You have been warned 

(I'll put the gifs in later)

Chapter 24 Home

Third person POV. 

Klaus' lips move feverishly down from her lips to her jaw, neck and goes straight to her left nipple again, his teeth bit down harshly onto her nipple. Fawn gasps out and digs her nails into his back, she closes her eyes and smiles, she is feeling so good even though his mouth was on her left nipple. With his hand roaming her body and his mouth sucking and biting her soft skin was making her a whimpering mess. 

'Ring's 'ring' 'ring' 

Klaus growls as Fawns phone goes off, distracting him from her. He pulls away from her nipple that was a few seconds ago was wrapped around his teeth and lips. Fawn whimpers and cries out in frustration, “ignore it” she mumbles out. 

She reaches out and grabs his face and smashes her lips onto his, “Please” she whimpers out. He kisses her back and lays on her again, the ringing has stopped but it wasn't long after it went quiet the ringing came back making both of them groaning out. He groans so loud and grabs her phone from the front and gives it to her, "Answer it" he grumbles out.  She picks up the ringing phone. 

Klaus went back to leaving kisses over her jaw line, neck and then down to her chest again, his hands ran all over her body and squeezed her flesh, "He-hello" she stutters out, she shakes her head and closes her eyes tightly. "Where are you!" Caroline yells into the phone. 

Fawn jumps because of the loud voice, she looks around the car and finds the window. She looked through the glass window and saw how it had gotten even darker than before. It's probably seven-ish. It would make sense why Caroline is calling.

Klaus looks up into her eyes and smirks as he sucks her nipple, she bites down onto her lip really hard. She moves her free hand from the back of his head to his right hand and places it between her thighs. He smirks up at her. His fingers run through her wet folds making her shiver and buckle her hips up making two of his fingers into her soaking hole. 

Fawn's body arches as her eyes close tightly and she whimpers out, she quickly slaps her hand over her mouth, "Hello! What was that?" Caroline snapped out.

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