Chapter 6

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        .Lights flickered, the redness creeping up on my eyelids causing me to awaken. My hands danced across the icy smooth silk linens of the bed. Only they were not mine. I shot up, my body in full alert now and in caution mode. My thorns waiting on hand, if I needed them.

        "Calm down Marianna, you are in no danger here." A monotone voice called out from the darkness that surrouned me. I eyed around, focusing my eyesight on where i thought the voice originated from. I could trace nothing, It was pitch black I couldn't even see my pale white bony fingered as the waved in front of me. A chill traveled down my spine, causing me to shiver in a false sincerity. I attempted to call out, as in response to the mysterious figure shrouded in a deafining darkness, but nothing came out. As if held back by unprovoking hands, my voice died. No matter how much I wanted it to come, it didn't. I scratched my throat, tears swelling my eyes.

        "Knock it off! Its just me" With a quick ear piercing snap of fingers, the lights reigned over the uncomfortable darkness i was presented with before. There stood Nathaniel, clear as day. All emotion had drained from his face, leaving it dry and unwelcoming. I glared at him, rage filling me as I let my thorns travel across the room, entagling everything with it. My hair was turning red at the ends, my eyes grew wide but my stare did not leave him. The vines held him tight to the floor, as they turned his hands behind his back and tied them. I shakily walked towards him as the tears ran dry and a smile upturned on the corners of my mouth. 

        "Aren't you proud of yourself princess." He snickered out, and even a slight smile formed on his face, a emotion overcame my thoughts, overflowing my mind. My anger soon turned to...something i never have felt before. My body did not move of my will,  gracefully I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling my face near his. His lips were soft, and sweet like sugar, The vines slowly drew back,and dissappeared with a stunning flash of light. With his arms now free, he took it of himself to wrap his arms around my waist, taking full control of the situation. Nathan pushed me down to the bed I had once left, his lips not leaving mine. Passion, lust, and desire. Those thoughts threshed across the blank waters of my mind, my heart felt like pounding out of my chest.

                                Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump.

        Nathans hands traced up the curves of my body, and with that I was brought back to control. Shoving him off with panic, I gasped for air. Nathan braces himself, and fell to the floor with no injury looking at me with his souless eyes that seemed to glimmer in one instant. It dimmed away as fast as it had come however. "What that fuck was th-!" I cried out, wiping my mouth from what felt like poison dotting my lips. I shivered.

        "I didn't think you'd show through this early dear." Nathan giggled. My body was shaking I curled up into a ball on the bed. My body was on fire, sweat pooring from my forehead. I realized i was in nothing but my undergarments, there was nothing i could about this moment but grab a sheet and throw it over my mostly nude body. Nathan stepped closer, grace in every movement he took. It was overpowering. "You're going to loose this little body of yours soon.". Hacking, I lifted my body to face him, his right palm caressing my flushed cheeks. The smell of irises was a taunting poision fillnig me.

        :"MARI!!" Evan dashed through interupting my speech and thought process,though there was not much of it to be said in this msit of curiousity and devastation "y-youre hair..." he stuttered out. His sword forming in his hands. I reached my arm out to him, collapsing on the floor as I did panting. I couldn't breath. Help me....Evan...

        "Heh, so you wanna fight huh little guard dog? Bring it." Nathan chuckled, twirling around on his heels facing Evan. They jumped at eachother, in intent to kill eachother. An disturbing image flashed across my mind, terror filled me.


        They stopped, frozen in their places and pose. Looking at me, full attention. My throat burned and a unknown power raged from me. My hair was fiery red, as if the blonde had melted off. Nathan smirked, my eyes felt cold as ice. I walked towards them, as Nathan got down on his knees and bowed down to me, black tattoos traced up along his arm.

        "My lady... you have awakened." He chuckled, a sharp pain of rage over came like an arrow shot in my heart-my head filled with though i couldnt think clearly. I couldnt even hear my own concious. I kicked him across his head, launching him across the room and slamming against the wall. Blood dripping from his head as he hacked in pain. Evan glanced at me, his teeth banging ferociously against eachother. A look of disbelief and fear was swept accross his face. I felt more power then i have ever before, my blood was boiling and I could see everything way more...clear. I felt peace and power, like no one could control me as they have before. I bursted into hysterical laughter, Nathan crawling towards me. His arm broken. 

        "Dont get to comfortable princess," He grimanced in absolute pain "It wont last long.". i couldnt stop laughing in a carnivorous tone, i entagled him with thorns, watching him bleed, Evan stood there in complete shock.

        "TELL ME WHAT IS THIS WONDERFUL FEELING NATHANIEL?" I giggled, caressing his cheek " Tell me can you use me now?" I struck him across the face, Evan darted at me shoving me to the ground. We tumbled until we hit the wall as he grabbed me upright slapping me. My eyes widened.

        "SNAP OUTTA IT THIS ISNT YOU MARIANNA!" Evan held be tight, his nails digging into my skin as he cried "Please...snap outta it." The red slowly but surely faded away and left the wavy blonde of my true color. I could hear my thoughts again as the thorns slowly pulled back forming into a nest in the circle. Something remained in there. I trudged over to it.

            " A locket..?" I whimpered out,  as i pulled back away from the nest as it shrivelted holding the glimmering golden locket tight. Evan and Nathan eyes were on me, tears poured from my eyes.

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