Chapter 2: Devious secrets

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As I snuck out from school and through the portal I sensed a different aura of my house. I looked around, nothing seemed different. However the scent, it was so distinct and smelled slightly of irises. That was masked with a cold condensing fog of hatred and mystery. It filled the empty forbodeing halls of the mansion that was decorated with portraits of the past heads. I followed it, almost like a trail it led me to where the scent emitted from. Cheers of joy and loud roars of drunken men and women came along with it, and there I was in the dining room as a festive party cheered. I stood there at the entryway, my expression going blank. "What the bloody hell is going on?" I groaned, my eyes ablaze it seemed. The cheers stopped, all of them facing me and at that split second I remembered I was suppose to be in school and the fact I was drenched in blood.

"Mariana Titania Lisabeth Jameson why are you not in school! Do you do nothing but shame this family?" My grandmother, as crinkly an old as she was had alot of life left in her and slapped me right across the right side of my cheek her fake nails scratching my skin. Leaving her newly pedicured nails bloodied at the tips. I smirked almost laughing. "Me shaming the family? And who are you to speak you old hag? Have you forgotten you forgotten that when I was a child you slept with the gardner at the time and made me swear I wouldn't tell grandfather?". She tood frozen as a statue. Hell yeah I had dirt on all of the people in my family. It was amusing that no one noticed or seemed to care about the dried blood on me. She sweared some curse words then left the room. 

"Would anyone care to explain whats going on to me?" I glared at all of the flushed faces in the room, who had drunk more then they could handle and were gonna get nasty hangovers the next morning. I was almost tempted to take pictures of all the drunk idiots stumbling across the room their beer and wine spilling on the floor yet I hesitated not wanting to get belted later. 

"I'll answer that my dear" A strange figure grasped my hand and lifted it to his lips kissing it softly. It was more like acid piercing my skin "Or shall I say my fiance?". I froze just like my grandmother had that moment ago, a expression of disgust swept across my face. I swiped my hand away from his clever and sly face. 

"And who deciede this?" I eyed everyone in the room. All of the response I got was the strange man pointing to everyone and I got the idea "So I have no say in this? Your using the fact that my father is on his deathbed to sneak this marriage under his nose just because you don't want a female head!" I stomped my feet, trying to hold back my raging power pushing to be let out. I could feel it, the harsh pressing thorns trying to be let out for the one time I wouldn't let its caged power free. A few guzzling laughs came out of their shining mouths. The strange figure grasped his arm around my waist, pulling me tight to him while others roared in happiness. Bloody fucking idiots.

"For you see Mariana" he began, the soft words piercing my ears "I have the right to do anything to you, you could scream, beg, and no one would help you. Be lucky that I don't take your virginity away by force. You'll soon love me. Just do whatever I say, and everything will go smoothly." I clenched my fists my blood boiling. I pushed away from him, the thorns pricking and piercing my skin.

"All of you shut up now!" I screamed, my words filling the room echoing "I swear i'll-" and at that instant the thorns broke free, shooting across the room hitting the chain of the chandelier, it smashing to the ground its glass shattering. I stood frozen the vines waiting for my command. Everyone screamed and then time froze. I stood their, everyone's horrified expressions frozen. The strange figure was now moving towards me.

"Mariana....." He chuckled like a taunting witch "I know your secret, and now you know mine. I can erase this all from their minds, so you don't get killed. Just do as I say, agreed?". My face wrenched in defeat, I nodded my head slowly, and with a flick of his wrists everything went black.

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