Chapter 3:

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Little flickers of my childhood past threshed around my blank mind . Whispers of hatred filling my head as the soon happy memories were corrupted by unsettling forces . I watched my child self break down, the anxiety killing her. she started hyperventallating . Tears flowing from her eyes and stinging her cheeks. I remeber this, this memory was the first time i recognized my powers, i could see them . The thorns and vines raging wildly, the red roses blooming along . I saw myself tense up as i saw them. a look of disbelief was swept acrossed my reddened face. My mother running towards my side whispering something in my ear as the shadows that were taunting me disappeared .No wait. this isnt right...this memory its-

I woke up violently in my bedroom the currents drawn open to reveal a pale blue sky .I heaved, frightened by my sudden awakening . I slowly stood up, trying to regain my focus on the reality before me . I rigidly walked over to my full length mirror , I glanced at myself . Nothing had changed or happened to me while I was unconscious . In fact, I was still in my blood stained uniform from the earlier events in school . I winced in pain, collapsing to the floor . Blood was sliding down my shoulders . I steadily lifted my wavy hair, seeing an indescribable mark upon my shoulder that glowed a fierce red color . Carefully I slid my slim fingers across the mark and I screamed in pain as the mark glowed fiercer .

"MARI!" Evan screamed barging into my room with a rain storm of tears falling down his tired looking face that had a dark ugly purple bruise right across his left cheek "you're alive!" He cried . I smothered my face into his shoulder. Tears pouring from my eyes, my hands wrapping around his back, my nails piercing into his skin . He held me tighter and wouldn't let go . It was as if time had froze and the only thing that was happening was me and Evan . I winced in pain , as he touched my shoulder with the mark . He let go, pulling backwards away from me . My eyes drifted away from him , looking to the ground as more blood spilled from the mark . He looked down at me, lifting my hair slightly then freezing at the sight of it .

"What is it Evan ?!!?!" I screamed, he put his hand over my mouth, a saddened expression appearing across his face. I smacked him across the face, rage filling me entirely . Yet his hand still was rested upon my mouth . "Answer me!!!!" I was pissed beyond belief , I didn't know what to do so I kept hitting him until he finally answered me .

His big brown eyes met with mine, peering as it seemed into my weak and damaged soul . "It's a claim mark to put it simply.....Nathaniel has....put his mark on you so no one else will-" I interrupted him "who in bloody hell is Nathaniel!" I screeched, amazed none of the maids had barged in yet . Evan stood up nonchalantly, a blank expression wiped across his pale face .

"He's the one..who has claimed you . In more humane terms..he's your fiancé ." Evan grinder his teeth as he said that, an old habit of his that he does when he's nervous . My eyes grew wider as I pieced together my situation . A maid had come stumbling in, her body shaking and dripping with sweat. "N-Nathaniel wishes to s-see you..." I looked over at her, her hair was a short black bob that framed her chubby face. Green eyes that were shielded with small circular glasses. She had been trying to catch her breath and she wouldn't look me in the eyes, her uniform was in a disarray , her her chest showing greatly .

I stood up, coming close to her ear and whispering "might want to fix your clothes dear." Til I walked away with a clear look of disgust, I already could figure what happened. Evan was walking silently behind me, but you could hear the slight noise of his teeth banging against each other. The maid before had run up to me, gasping for breath has she held her hand up to signal me to wait . "M-master Nathaniel is this way ma'm please follow me.!" . I kinda choked back a laugh, realizing I had no idea I was going . She looked up to me, still avoiding eye contact, waiting for my approval . I slowly shook my head to show that I would follow her . The maid uniform was now presentable and fixed .

"Then this way ma'm" she gathered herself up , walking towards my destination . I didn't have to walk long he was just around the corner from my room, and I could still smell the vivid scent of irises . The maid opened the door, to show my fiancé half naked with his jeans barely around his waist . Clothes scattered across the room, that obviously weren't all his own considering the vast quantities of women's undergarments . He gave the maid a sly smile and said thank you to her as she scurried off with a flushed face . His hand reached out towards me, ushering me towards him . I bit my lip , standing still where I was .

"So you obviously stole the innocence of all of my maids." I walked over to a chair that was seemingly clean and gracefully sat down . Evan shut the doors behind me, but still remained in the room . He chuckled, falling backwards onto is soft bed leaning on his side so he could still see me .

"They more or less offered it to me, really you women are to easy. A few winks and good looks and they're putty in my hands." Nathaniel claimed, laughing quietly to himself at his own remark . Evan went to lurch after him, as angry as I was , but I stopped him taking matters into my own hands. I silently arose from the chair, walking towards Nathaniel's bed where I looked down upon him. My hand slightly rose , and vine shooting out from it and barely missing his face. His eyes grew wide In surprise, I glared at him .

"Be thankful this time I didn't kill you, but do not think you can ever have your hands on me.! Women like I , aren't easy and I will not tolerate you and your behaviors . I can do worse than this. Good day." I yelled at him, twirling around leaving his chambers with Evan by my side. He laughed uncontrollably as I shut the doors .

"You really are something, princess....." Nathaniel muttered .

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