chapter 5

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      "Dehydration and a lot of blood loss. Cannot keep any of the food or water we give her down. Put her on IVs and if need be a tube in her stomache. " I steadily opened my eyes, confusion and numbness overcoming me "MARTHA GET THAT BLOOD TRANSFUSION IN HER NOW!" . Loud shouts and beeping noises were shakening my head and piercing my ears. I tried moving my body but couldn't as I looked down I saw why, straps were holding me down. I tried talking but I couldn't lift my jaw, and my throat was sore.

    "She's awake .! Blessed!! Mrs.Jameson, can you hear me nod if you can! DAMMIT MARTHA HURRY UP WERE GONNA LOOSE HER!" I slowly nodded as my vision was drifiting away again, my eyelids fluttering. "WERE GONNA FUCKING LOOSE HER GET YOUR ASSES WORKING NOW! C'mon sweety stay focused on me, dont go back to sleep okay? fight it.MARTHA!". There was more yelling then just that i shifted my head over looking at the monitor, the little line slowly bumping almost becoming a straight line. I looked to the other side, I saw Evan through the glass panes, arguing with Nathaniel. They both looked over at me, Evan flipped and started running toward the glass slamming his fists against it. I wanted to tease and scold him for being stupid enough to think he could break reinforced glass, and then yell at him for trying to destroy something that didn't belong to him. However i could barely part my lips to get in a few gasps of air. My brain was fuzzy, and i couldnt think straight. Evans hands became bloodied as nurses gathered around him trying to calm him down, while Nathaniel sat there, staring at me without a look of worry or stress. Now i really wanted to hit him in his idotic smug face but i just looked up as a nurse put a needle in my arm and as the doctor still kept talking to me to keep me awake. But i did not listen, i could not hear anyone at this point. Just a sweet tune that taunted me to slumber.

        25 minutes later, i screamed.

        I screamed so loudly it startled everyone in the room. All the pain from the needles being put into me was taking its affect now, tears poured down my cheeks as they nestled onto my chin. "Shes awake! Nurse tend to her now!" Someone called out, i think it was Evan but i couldnt tell all i could feel was this raging pain. The thorns inside of me were rialed up now, wanting out yet again. I pushed them back, not wanting anyone to get hurt. A nurse ran in a shone a light to my eyes i followed it, assuming that that was what needed to be done, I looked down at my chest, a huge deep dried bloodied gash was there, a sort of wrap around it to keep it clean and prevent infenction. I wondered how it got there.  The nurse simply cleaned it up more and i saw that there were numerous stitchings across it. I glanced at my shoulder, the mark still clear and visible calling my name.

        Mariana...Mariana...oh my precious little dove...youre caught in my trap

        Stop tyring to break free, darling youre stuck with me

        youre wings of freedom clipped

        No possible escape

        Mariana Mariana

        You were never safe,

        "Screw you Nathan you dont give a damn do you?!" I glanced over, and saw Evan grab someone by the collar, i could not see who it was, the anethesia they gave me made me weary and very unaware of my suroundings. I reached my arm out toward the hussle, the aura of stress and hatred dimmed down.

        "Irises.....the smell of pretty..." I choked out, smiling. I wasnt thinking of my words, just whatever popped into my head "The smell is so pretty and light.....yet why is it so sad? I figured out the mystery....... Nathan dont be sad.... he was a great man, and she was a lovely woman..." I didnt really understand my own words, but when i thought of Nathaniel at this moment, and the smell that was condensed with mystery, i saw a lovely lady with fair skin and long curly locks of glimmering blonde hair that resembled Nathan, and I tall standing man, with a smile that could cheer anyone up.  I saw flashes of what I thought was Nathan... it was a scary thought.

        "Let me know more....Please little boy...." I cried out before i drifted back asleep, a look of shock was upon Nathan...i finally got an expression out of him, how lovely.



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