8- Night In The Park

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"Nowhere in particular. I just wanna take a walk and clear my head", I replied.

He told me to point in a direction and we started to walk that way.

"So what had you so deep in thought?"

"I was just admiring the look of the area. Even after so long, I still don't stop as often to take in how I love the look of this place."

"Only you would see beauty in a place like this."

"Well, when you have something to compare it to, it starts to look pretty nice. My mother had taken the time to take me travelling to a few places when I was younger. I got to see a lot and it gets me admiring this place for all that it is."

"That sounds nice, I get what you mean now actually. Stopping in a moment to look around does show the beauty here if you look at it hard enough. I met your dad but didn't see your mum...", he trailed off at the end of the sentence. Probably not knowing how to ask.

"My mothers not here. I don't know where she is. It's not too important anyway. She wasn't ever really here even when she was physically."

"Oh, alright. Anyway, do anything interesting today?"

"Yes actually, I had a mad surprise when I got home."

"Oh, really?"

"Yep, Phillip was at my front door." I could see his jaw clench as I mentioned Phillip's name.

"And what was he doing there?" His tone sounded a little more serious, he was facing slightly towards the other direction of me.

"Telling me that I should stop trying to turn his friends against him", Tom scoffed as he heard that.

"As if anyone needs to be convinced to stop talking to him. Every piece of garbage spewing from his mouth puts you off wanting to be anywhere near him."

Why is he so aggressive towards him all of a sudden?

"You guys did know that he was cheating on someone at the time."

"I know but me and Haz didn't know who and we were stupid. We thought not asking about it and not listening would make us better than the others. We should've just told him it was a shitty thing to do."

"Well, the good thing that came out of his visit was me yelling at him and telling him to get out of my sight. It felt good to get the rage out."

"You shouldn't have had to do that but I'm glad you can defend yourself."

"I kinda wanted him to resist so I could punch him. A bruise on that face would look great."

"I would've helped you. Or paid you to do it."

"Sounds good. We can do that the next time we see him."

We got a little silent but it was a comfortable silence. It lasted a while until he spoke again.

"I have a place not too far from here if you wanna go to it."

"Hmm, ok."

He then led the way towards where ever it was that we were going. We went a while away then walked into a park.

"If you plan to murder me and bury my corpse, a park is defo not the place to do it. Unless you have a tub of acid then I'm sure someone will be able to smell it."

"Does this mean I have to find a completely new place to kill you? I'm too lazy for this."

"This is why lazy people shouldn't commit murder."

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