3- A Message From El Stupido

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I had just gotten home after spending the day out with Tom. He wasn't as bad as I had previously thought which was a very annoying thing for me to think. Never gonna tell him though. He'd never let me forget it. I still couldn't help but think about how he dodged the question of him ignoring me. I tried asking him again later but he would just pretend not to hear me.

I'm persistent so if he thinks he can dodge this forever then he has another thing coming. You can't just do stuff for years, suddenly become nice and not expect a person to ask, let alone be at least pissed.

I lived alone in my apartment because my father owned 2 in the building. He let me live here because he trusted me to look after myself and he always had work friends over anyway so I'd be disturbed constantly if I stayed with him.

My mother had pissed off a long time ago after a huge mess she just had to create. She was no longer in the picture and trust me, I'm not complaining. She could be off cliff diving in peru and I wouldn't give two shits. If anything it would make me happy if she was off somewhere on the other side of the world, never to return.

My father after that was always too distracted to give one about what I was doing. While this wasn't always a bad thing, it definitely wasn't particularly good either. I could go a week without eating, get a bright red perm and start a circus college in my living room and it'd still be a one-out ten chance he'd notice me.

And yes, that's even with the blazing fire hoops and chihuahua's on rollerblades. With the sparkly zebra with the multi-coloured afro and the hippo with the giraffe on tight ropes. Not to mention the lion and tiger duo on the trapeze. If you haven't gotten that I'm currently referencing Madagascar 3 then I have no clue what you've been doing with your life.

This never made him a bad man though. We've been through so much and I don't blame him for being more... Vacant. I know I would be if I hadn't been young when it happened. He stayed resilient, hell, he stayed. Atleast if there was an award ceremony for best parent, he'd have more of a chance of showing up. Granted it would be 1/10 but still a chance nonetheless. If you asked my mum, she probably wouldn't even know my age.

Anyway, back to reality. His apartment was on the floor above mine. So he was a decent space from me too. I say this because if I had a party, I'd have enough time to run away from my father before he got to me from upstairs. I had a bedroom, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a pretty big living room. It's quite nice. I enjoy how quiet it is here as opposed to the constant ruckus while I lived with him.

I walked to my living room and sat on my sofa with a huff. I was so tired, there was way too much walking today. I could pass out here if I sat around any longer. I took a breath and heaved myself up to quickly change into my marvel themed pyjamas.

My shirt was oversized and had spiderman swinging on a web with 'Excelsior' written in fancy writing being what he's swinging from. I had some shorts underneath it that were red with black silhouette spiderwebs.

I then proceeded to make some pasta, sit on my sofa and turn on Brooklyn nine-nine. Yes, living the dream. As I was halfway through munching on my pasta, I got a text. I usually have my notifications turned off for most unimportant people which meant that this was either my dad or a new number.




And this is?

I can't believe you forgot
your partner in crime so fast.
After a whole day together,
Damn, *snifflez*

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