Lil extra #1

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A/N: In stories like this, there are little things that happen that you can't exactly fit into the main story, so I'm gonna put those in random lil extra's. It also gives me a chance just to write random ideas I have about my 2 little chicken wings (Yes, Raven and Tom and all of you are now my little chicken wings). These won't fit into the timeline of the main story but will be little things that did happen along the way.



It was a random tuesday. Like any other. I had this feeling though that I was forgetting something. As I got up for school, I caught the date from the calendar and saw that it was the easter holidays.

Honestly, I don't know why I didn't notice earlier since I hadn't gone to school yesterday but at this point, I didn't really care.

Mo sleep fo mama! AHAHAH yesssh

I slowly lay my head back down and started to find that one sweet spot. As my body got comfy and started sinking into the warmth of my bed, someone knocked on the door.

I...I........if this is Tom.......I swear-

Heaving myself off the bed, I huffed my way to the door. As I looked through the peep hole, can ya guess who I saw?

Name the devil and the devil shall appear

I opened the door and upon seeing how beautiful.....okish he looked, I realised I probably looked like a haggard goblin.

Whether he noticed or not would be a mystery because he smiled and welcomed himself in.

Swivelling around after closing the door, I started patting down my wayward hair.

'You realise its the easter holidays right? You should be sleeping....I should be sleeping', I grumbled with irritation.

'Wow, hello, I missed you too, so much', he replied, feigning hurt.

'Yeh, hi, missed ya. What the frick frack shake shack are you doing here?!'

He let out a laugh, 'I love when you make up sayings, it's cute. Anyway, I know it's the holidays. Or well I noticed when I woke up but then I realised how bored you must be without me so I came here.'

'Awwe, thas so noice of you, omilord thank you so much, I'm good, ok, bye, there's the door', I said all in one breath with the fakest smile while pivoting and pointing towards the front door.

What I didn't realise was, he had gotten up and came right up to me so when I turned around we were face to face. Very very very close.

He whispered, 'I think I'll stay here thank you very much.'

I could feel his breath and shuddered as I felt his hands go to my waist. I was too flustered to say anything, I could feel the heat rushing to my face as I stood there gawking at him.

He seemed satisfied with the reaction and moved back towards the sofa, 'so, what we watching then?'

'I'll see', I groaned in response as I made my way over to him.

After a little while of searching, we settled on watching full house. My choice obviously.

I was soon very engrossed in the endeavours of our darling Michelle, so engrossed in fact that it startled me when I felt a weight on my lap. I looked down to see Tom lying there.

'Boi, whachu doin?'

'I'm tired and staying here'

'If you were tired, why didn't you stay home'

'...I couldn' home...,' his face darkened while he shuffled to look up at the cieling.

I found it strange so I paused the show, 'why not at home'.

'Too much on my mind at home,' he started to tense up a bit more.


He suddenly flinched and looked at me. The emotions from a second ago disappearing like they had never been there to begin with. He started to smirk, 'like how you aren't there. I mean, how could I sleep knowing I could be here annoying you.'

It seemed off but I let it go because it seemed he obviously didn't want to discuss it, 'wow, how kind of you? Absolutely my hero.'

I started playing with his hair and he closed his eyes. We stayed there for a bit and soon enough, I could hear light snoring.

That's when I was getting a really close look at his face. I saw the bags under his eyes and how tired he was.

How long have you not slept?

I didn't know what compelled me to do it but I leaned down and kissed his forhead, I whispered, 'this can be your safe place, whenever you need it.'

I stayed watching him sleep for a little longer till my eyes started to get droopy. I rested my head back with my fingers still lightly running through his hair. Slowly but surely, sleep consumed me too.

Tom's POV:

I woke up to see her. Her head was leaning sideways in an awkward looking angle and a tiny trail of drool was making its way down her face. Her hair flying in a million directions.

It made me think of how much I couldn't imagine anything like this happening with anyone else. Yes I've like girls but never like this.

I've met a lot of people but no one could make me feel this comfortable. Safe.

She has to really trust me to fall asleep around me so often. I mean, she isn't worried I'd hurt her when she's so vulnerable.

I slowly got up and helped her lay down. She briefly woke up with what sounded like a gasp crossed with a snort but then went back to sleep after looking at me.

Only you Raven, only you.

I helped her lay down and took the liberty of laying down next to her. We seriously do fall asleep a lot.

I heard what she said to me before I fell asleep. I was just about knocked out but it surprised me when I felt her kiss me and whisper what she did.

I'm glad to have her and this place.

A smile took over my face as I watched her sound asleep. I put an arm around her and pulled her closer gently, enjoying her warmth as I fell asleep.

I hadn't slept in a while, I couldn't before but now, nothing could keep me awake.


Ok so it's a bit cliche, but we love cliches so shh and enjoy.

Plus my eyes are droopy and I'm tired as heck but I really wanted to write this lol so here ya go.

Remember to voooote plzzz, love you all <3

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