Lil Extra #4

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I'm sorry I haven't had the motivation to write. It's been a rocky road in personal life.

Another apology incase there are typos :b


"And now we follow Thomas the idiot Holland stealing our wheel of cheese back from a grandma in the park," I said as I pointed my camera at him. Harrison laughed next to me, having a hard time keeping himself quiet. "The lady made a homophobic comment to a couple earlier so we garner no sympathy for the back pain she will have tomorrow. In other news, she probably raised a karen."

"Or was raised by one," Haz managed to choke out while almost toppling over in hysterics at the sight.

Tom was now having a very intense tug of war battle with this grandma.

"Lady, just give it to me, it was mine first," Tom said while huffing, "how do old people have this much energy?!"

He finally managed to get a hold strong enough to be able to pull the wheel out of her clammy hands. We might have to cut off anything she touched. Her claws managed to sink through the plastic wrapping and into the cheese.

Tom cautiously walked over to us, looking absolutely violated. Constantly looking over his shoulder just incase she had a round 2 in mind. He put the cheese down in front of me while I stopped recording. He sat down with a huff. Haz and I took this as our sign to hop over and give him a soul crushing hug.

"Have I not been through enough?" Tom sighs, although we could see the slight grin on his face.

"I'm offended you think us hugging you is a punishment," Haz says while sitting back in his spot and crossing his arms dramatically.

We were startled by Harrison's phone going off. He looked down with a small frown as he squinted at who was calling. Suddenly a bright look fell onto his face as he excused himself.

"I bet that's the secret girlfriend he won't tell us about," Tom said, curiously.

"I wonder who has him so whipped," I replied.

"I wonder if he would steal cheese from a grandma for her."

"Are you saying you confess your love by stealing a girl's cheese back in parks from overactive grandmas?"


"Which also begs the questions, have you done this before? For who? And who were you confessing your love for today? Because I can tell you, Haz seems taken"

"Believe it or not, today was my first WWE match with an elderly citizen. Totally not for anyone. I was practicing for when I have a lady I must protect."

"Right, yes because elderly citizens are the modern day problem. Muggers and murderers don't even compare to 84 year old Ethel with a knock off prada bag and irregular bowel movements," I said barely able to hold back my giggles.

"You try fighting Ethel and her overly manicured claws and then come back to me," Tom stated with a smirk.

"Speaking of, I wonder if Ethel would forgive you if you walked her back to the elderly home. Can't imagine it would go over well when she explains the new limp she got from the hooligan waving cheese around in a public space."

"I have every right to flaunt my cheese."

"And flaunt it you did."


A/N: I have no idea where this little story was going but its random and funny and I feel bad for not uploading for so long so here you go. I haven't forgotten about you guys don't worry. Enjoy this horrible edit of Tom running away with cheese.

If you couldn't tell cheese if my favourite :')

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