Perfect| Caius Volturi x Female Reader|

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Warnings: Jealousy, Belittling, Angst, Fluff.


You walked to the doors of the royalty of the ancient vampires accompanying your twin  Bella Swan following the petite blonde girl. Afterall, Charlie gave you the task to take care of Bella since her weird boyfriend left her. So, she finally after months long began to feel lively again thanks to Jacob Black.  You were feeling good that your sister is finally getting well, until Alice Cullen aka the pixie weird girl from the Cullen household suddenly appeared in your home. And began to tell that she saw that and that. Then later about disgracing your home by calling it ‘wet dog smell’ etc. You never understood, why your sister marvels over the Cullens. Then she said that Edward will go to some Volturi to get himself killed. You really didn't understand, why he needs to go to bother someone to kill him when he can go and jump off somewhere then finished the Cullen boy is finished. 

But little did you know that your sister will jump In the scenery to rush in Volterra to save her ex-boyfriend. And ofcourse to protect your sister, you had to follow her to Italy. You had to make sure that Alice Cullen doesn't end up leaving your sister somewhere afterall like her adoptive Brother who left your sister in the woods alone!

“sister, they sent you bring back one and you bring back 2 and half,” the chestnut brown teenager boy smirked walking to the petite blonde girl. It really seemed that they are silbings. He added, “oh plus 1” looking at you with his bright crimson eyes. Wait! What! Crimson! You looked into his eyes again, then you remembered the brunnete giant man and the dirty blonde man and the petite blonde girl all of them had crimson eyes!

Dang! What kind of mess did the Cullens got you and your sister stuck in! You began to regret your decision. And as the ungrateful creature your sister is, she wasn't even bothering to look at you. She was snuggling to the white-asshole, who was almost naked but wearing a red robe which the giant man gave it to him. Because Edward's pants were also falling from him! You wanted nothing but to escape from this creepy place ofcourse with your crazy sister.

While everyone including the raven haired man Aro was standing talking with everyone and since your dearest sister doesn't even bother to look at you. You didn't even care anything if it was about her then it was to ensure her safety. They're wot? They are Vampires. You are stuck ofcourse you are. They didn't really seem to let Edward and Bella go. And as you are a human, an extra they will kill you.

The white-haired ancient vampire drifted away, gliding toward one of the wooden thrones.

You couldn't believe but the darked hair depressed leader was glancing at you and at the white haired Vampire. You looked at them both curiously. As your your eyes met with the white haired Vampire's red eyes. You felt your world to stop. You felt a towards him. And he wasn't able to keep his straight clenched jaw angry face anymore. His lips parted a bit. As his posture relaxed and he was still sitting straight. His eyes were staring at your y/e/c eyes with deep admiration and delight. He didn't seem angry anymore. He was feeling relaxed. He slowly moved his eyes to the dark haired depressed man carefully.

The  dark haired man stood up slowly taking his time with his arms in his usual position holding the drapes of his robe. He looked at you and the white haired Vampire. You let a breath out.

“Sono Anime Gemelle” the dark haired man stated in his deep voice raising his head up a bit with his eyes widened a bit as something unusual happened today. He seemed surprised. You could tell this easily. Everyone infront of you had a shocking reaction on their faces.

𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 & 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now