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After I had gotten my second text from the unknown number, I knew it wasn't a mistake anymore. I texted the unknown person back saying. 

Me - Who is this? 

I didn't get a reply to that text so I didn't worry about it being too serious. I didn't know if I should tell the rest about it yet since I didn't know who or where the text led to. Caroline gave me a night home after school and nothing else happened the rest of the night.

Same thing happened Tuesday and Wednesday. No texts, no nothing from this unknown number. I thought it might of been someone planning a prank on me, thinking they were funny. It was currently Thursday during second period.

Me, Caroline, and Brandon walked into class like normal just talking. Brandon asked me if he could come over after he had practice which I said yes. Things at home must of been getting bad again I thought to myself. I told Caroline she could come over as well as sending a text to Peter and Lia asking them as well.

Lia texted back saying she was going to be hanging out with Sasha, but she could come by after if we were still there and Peter said he would. Brandon said he would stop by the store and get our snacks.

Just then, Dylan walked into the classroom and sat in the spot right in front of me, next to Brandon. "What's up, Brandon." He said.

Brandon turned his head and looked at Caroline and I like Dylan was stupid. He mouthed the words, "Does he think I'm his friend?" Which made me and Caroline smile, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Hey Gwen," He said looking behind him at me, giving me a smile, "Caroline." He said now looking at her, but his smile dropped a bit. I didn't like the way he said that.

"Hi to you too, Dylan." She said back with the same tone he had.

This was going vey well...

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At the end of class, Caroline and I waved off to the boys and to make our way to the gym. We see Brandon quickly split up from Dylan to get to his next hour. I think it was starting to become more obvious Dylan wasn't going to be apart of our group. 

As we get to the gym's doors, I open them and let Caroline walk through. "Well thank you Miss Langston." She says giving me a curtsy. I faked cringed, but went along with it anyways.

"You are very welcome, Miss Anderson." I said following her into the locker room while she was giggling. We see Lia and Sasha sitting on the bench talking when they see us walk in.

"Hey guys." Sasha says to me and Caroline.

"Hey you two." Caroline said with her usual smile. 

"How are you feeling, Caroline, I mean after Friday and everything?" I turned with a smile to look at Caroline who had an embarrassed look on her face. 

"I'm feeling better, thanks for asking, Sasha." She said with a hidden smile, which made Lia laugh.

"Hey I was wondering," Lia started walking over to me and Caroline. She wrapped her arms around our shoulder, "Would you guys wanna go get dinner with the boys tonight just us six since tomorrow night It'll be hectic?" 

I looked over at Caroline for her answer; I wanted to and thought it sounded like a great idea, but I would need a ride. "Sounds good to me, Caz?" I asked her.

"Absolutely." She said smiling along the three of us. 

And with that, our coach walked into her office and we all started to get ready to play some soccer.

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After PE, we made our way to the cafeteria and like usual, ours boys were already at our table waiting for us. When we got closer, we could hear them talking about something very quietly, while still having an intense conversation.

"I don't know, bro, it's just weird." Brandon said to Peter. 

"What's going on?" I asked sitting down next to Peter.

"Gwen," Brandon said, looking a little bit behind me. I turned around and saw Dylan looking over at our table, and he quickly turned back to whoever was talking at their table. "Don't you think Dylan's been acting weird?" Brandon said, "I mean when it comes to you, he acts suspicious."

"What do you mean he acts suspicious when it comes to her?" Caroline asked him. 

"He hates when we are around. I mean, he doesn't pay attention to us, and he acts like we aren't there. And the other day at the store, he didn't like when Peter and Caroline walked over to you guys. And the way he has a weird fucking attitude towards Caroline." He says, keeping his voice down so other we could hear him, "I don't know guys it's all just weird." 

Peter looked over at me suddenly, as well as Caroline. Then Lia, then Brandon, then Sasha. "Does anything about him feel really off to you, Gwen?" Peter asked me. I looked up at him and thought about it. 

"I don't know." I said honestly. I thought about the times I've hung out with Dylan, and only one time seemed out of the normal. The night I snuck out to see him. He was asking a lot of questions, but I remember him being very drunk. 

"We'll have to keep an eye on him." Brandon said, looking behind me again, at Dylan. This time though, I didn't look back because I didn't want him to think we were talking about him. 

Peter nodded his head at what Brandon had said. We sat there for a couple moments just thinking to ourselves, not really saying a word. "You guys are coming to the game tomorrow night right?" Brandon asked.  We all nodded our head yes. 

His question must of gotten Lia's attention, "Oh hey Brandon, Peter, wanna go out for dinner tonight with us?" They looked between each other and gave each other questioning looks. Finally they both nodded at each other.

"Sure but we have practice after school." Brandon said.

"We'll meet you at Gweny's house?" Peter asked looking over the four of us. We talked in over and Caroline was coming over right after school. Lia and Sasha would meet us after they went home and got some stuff to get ready. Brandon and Peter would go home, shower, and meet us at our house.

We decided we were going to go to a joint about a town away. We did so because Brandon's parents had a membership to this place apparently. It was a little fancier than we were usually up for, but we still decided to go since it has been a minute since we've went out to a restaurant together.

After we finished  making our plans, we made our way to class so we wouldn't be in trouble. I remembered at this time a couple days ago, I was getting the second text from the unknown number. As of right now though, I wasn't focused on the texts; I was thinking about what I was going to wear to dinner tonight. 

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