Spies must die

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I guess I've always been a liar.

"Who's this Jimin-guy?" Taehyung asked. I was sitting on the couch, reading a book when he walked up behind me. I tensed up "What are you talking about Taetae?" I said with the sweetest voice I could muster up. I'm not in the wrong here, I just wanted someone to talk to.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Are you cheating on me Hoseok?" Taehyung's voice sounded deeper than normal and his pretty eyes were engulfed with anger and confusion. "You're scaring me Tae" I said with a shaky voice. "Hoseok, baby, why are you doing this to me?" his eyes turned from angry to sad and he took my hands in his.

"I miss you Tae, you're always busy with school, with friends, with work. I know that you have obligations but I feel so lonely." I was shocked by how honest I was being with him, my voice quiet and full of shame.

I was expecting him to let go of my hands and start packing his bags, so I was shocked when I felt his arms around my shoulders and his face in my neck "I'm so sorry Hobi, it's my fault, I'll try to spend more time with you"

I pulled away and looked at Taehyung's sad face. I wiped his tears from his eyes and laid little kisses on his cheeks "It's okay, it's okay baby, we'll figure something out". Taehyung responded "I was really angry at first but it makes a lot of sense, it's my fault, I'm so sorry for neglecting you"

"Don't worry, it's fine. And fyi, Jimin and I were never intimate or anythi-" I lied.

"Yeah, I trust you baby" he responded. I mentally let out a sigh of relief, I handled that well. "I just wanted a friend, someone to talk to, I'm so sorry my Taetae" I kissed him on the lips.

"I feel so bad now" Tae said with teary-eyes.

"Don't" I responded with a sweet voice. I pulled him back into a hug.

Taehyung wasn't the only one in the wrong, our relationship was definitely challenged a couple times. It wasn't as healthy as it looked like on the surface

I'm the luckiest man on earth. I have a redo. This Taehyung and I don't have a past together. This Taehyung doesn't know I cheated, this Taehyung doesn't work for a scummy company. This Taehyung is just as good-looking and just as cute.

But there is an anomaly this time. He's short, sweet and just as cute. The name of this anomaly is Min Yoongi. Last time there was no Yoongi, only me and Taehyung.

I could use this situation to fall in love again, fall in love with Yo- I mean Taehyung. It's the perfect opportunity. I want to love someone again, I want to be loved by someone again. Who better than the man I wanted to get married to two years ago.


I'm walking through the palace when I hear a deep voice talking in a quiet tone. I don't feel like talking to Taehyung right now, I went on an amazing date yesterday and I'll only feel heartbroken when I see the guy I'm supposed to fall in love with.

I hide behind a pillar again, just like the first time I came here. This feels like a déjà vu, Taehyung is talking to his cousin, Seokjin. I know I'm not supposed to hear this, but I'm intrigued.

"Hyung, what am I supposed to do, this is the first I've heard of this, why didn't anyone inform me about this?" Taehyung sounds a bit agitated. I would be too if I was trying to rule a country but didn't know all the information.

"I was told not to tell you, I'm sorry Taehyung. None of us want you to be worried, you have enough weight on your shoulders as is" Seokjin tries to calm him down.

"This guy is a monster Jin! We can't have him invading our country, he's way too close already, I don't know what I'll do if he decides to just walk into France!!" Taehyung's voice gets more emotional. "We both know what happens to countries invaded by that army, France will be no more. Our men can't hold them back"

"Where is your confidence Taehyung? We're France! We're the best country there is, we have the prettiest art, the most intelligent scholars, the strongest men, the bravest king!" Seokjin tries to cheer him up again, but Taehyung doesn't budge.

"I'm not brave hyung! I don't have confidence! That's you, you're the one with the good traits. I'm the spoiled child who's sad all the time. The only thing I ask of you, is to tell me if something is going on. There is no other way for me to solve our problems, you can't do everything with confidence only. I need to know what's going on, I need to prepare a plan for when he invades"

Seokjin looks at the ground and lets out a sigh, then he looks over his shoulder and into my eyes.

I was so intrigued with what was going on that I didn't realize that Taehyung and Seokjin had slowly started walking towards the door, making them able to see me.

"Hey! Boy! What are you doing here?" Seokjin shouts. Taehyung also looks over "What did you hear? What are you doing here? You can't be here Hoseok!" Taehyung looks angrier than I've ever seen him, I'm confused, eavesdropping isn't that big of a deal, right?

"Hoseok you aren't allowed here!" Taehyung shouts. I'm a little shocked "I'm sorry, I'll go back to my room" I bow. "You'll not, you'll leave" Taehyung says with a stern voice. "Huh?" I say confused. "You can't be here anymore, I don't want you here. I can't have spies in my castle" he becomes teary-eyed and points at me "You probably work for him! You work for him, don't you!"

Seokjin tries to reason with him "Taehyung, he didn't know, you're just being irrational because of what happened"

Taehyung ignores his cousin and walks towards me. I feel intimidated because he's taller than me. He utters these last words to me: "Leave. Leave before I decide to behead you"

I was so busy with my own feelings this whole time that I forgot that Taehyung needs to like me as well.


Happy Hobi day! 💜 So much love to my forever-bias <3

I ordered Love Yourself: Tear on a second hand website, and the seller was an absolute sweetie, they asked me who my bias was. Now I have polaroids of Hobi 🥺🥺

Yoongi's verse in Love Maze always makes me so happy for no reason, it's amazing

I also love that this album has the same ships as my story:

I also love that this album has the same ships as my story:

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