Le Baiser

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It's becoming dark again, Yoongi and I fell asleep together yesterday. We stayed in bed all day, just talking to each other, but now we have to get ready for the king's party.

"I really enjoy talking to you Yoongi, you're a man of many stories" I say. "Oh stop it" Yoongi laughs "I'm just a normal guy". 

He looks at my outfit, I'm still wearing the clothes that I got from the palace "I wish I had clothes as nice as yours, maybe I should try to get an audience with the king too. Maybe he likes me too" Yoongi smiles.

"I thought you hated the king" I say as I put on my shoes. Yoongi pushes me over "Yeah, but I love nice clothes. We should put on make-up, get your ass over here". He takes out a little canister with some brown powder in it. He grabs a brush from his table "Close your eyes".

I feel the soft hairs of the brush on my eyelid, Yoongi really takes his time to make it look perfect. "All done. Now do me" he says. "You don't need make-up, you look amazing like this" I say while smirking. Yoongi rolls his eyes "I'm flattered, just put it on me, we'll have to look good at the party" he pushes the brush into my hands.

I try to make it as nice as Yoongi made mine, but I'm certain it's not as good as the make-up he put on me. "Aaand, you're done" I say, I give him a kiss on the cheek. Yoongi opens his eyes and blushes. He looks at the ground, his lips in a pout. Why not have some fun. "I'd like to kiss those lips some day" I whisper in his ear with a deep voice.

Yoongi looks like he malfunctioned, he starts making weird noises. I laugh "We need to go to the party Yoongi, we can't just stand here all day". He still looks a bit confused, so I take his hand and pull him out of his house.

"You'll have to show me the way, I have no idea how to get there, remember?" I say with a smirk. "Uhhhh, you're right, let's go" he starts walking towards the palace, taking me with him.

I try to memorize the route, I don't want to get lost again. I know Yoongi will pay extra good attention to me, but in case we lose each other in the crowd again, I want to know how to get back to his house.

We make it to the palace and see Jimin standing in a line of people. Yoongi taps him on the shoulder "Hey Jimin! Good to see you!". Jimin turns around "Hey Yoongi! Hey Hoseok, are you okay? You were in pretty bad shape yesterday"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I feel a lot better now" I say. I try to peek into the building we're standing in line for "What going on?" I ask. "The king is going to perform personally. He directed a show with a bunch of dancers, he's playing the lead role" Jimin answers.

"Of course he is" I mumble. "I really want to see this show Hobi, we should stay in the line" Yoongi leans on my shoulder. "I don't know if we should, Yoongi" I say, I don't feel like seeing Taehyung right now, I'm scared he'll do something to me. "Come on, it'll be fun. Jimin's here too, we can make fun of the king. You both dance, can't you already imagine how bad he'll be" Yoongi and Jimin laugh. "We'll go to the actual party after, then you'll be able to show me your dance moves" He says in a lower voice. I shrug.

"Do it for me" he pouts. "Alright baby" I give in. Yoongi looks happy. A boy in a palace uniform runs up to us, I take a closer look to notice that it's Jungkook. "Hi Hoseok and Yoongi! Jimin and I were waiting in line for the show, I was just getting us some drinks. I hope you're doing better Hoseok"

"Yeah, I am, thanks. Yoongi also wanted to see the show, so here we are" I respond.

The line finally starts moving and we get into the building. It's a big theater filled with people from all walks of life. The curtains surrounding the stage are still down, I'm really curious about what kind of dance we'll see. From my art history knowledge, it will probably be some early form of ballet, but I have no idea.

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