Labyrinth of Love

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Know this, sometimes lies will try to tear us apart
Hardships will try to deceive us but
Just focus on me then
In the darkness, just the two of us is enough
In all these lies
If we're together, even an endless maze is paradise

SUGA, Love Maze, 2018


I don't know what war looks like, I've never been in a real one. No one told me it would be this chaotic.

I grab a cloak on my way out, running as fast as my legs can carry me. I need to hide my face, I need to find Yoongi.

Most people here probably don't even know my face, that's the benefit of no media anywhere, but I am still wearing an incredibly expensive white suit that everyone saw the king's fiancee wear just moments ago.

I start running faster, against the crowd of people trying to invade the palace. It feels like there's no end to this, like Seokjin really invited all of France.

Once I finally make it out, I feel like I need to catch my breath. I lean against a pillar and look at the village in the distance. My heart drops.

Most of the village is engulfed in an orange glow. Large flames eating away at the buildings and a big cloud of smoke and ash rises from the humble village. Maybe this is what war looks like.

Those bastards went scorched earth.

I can feel my head panic, my heart beat and my eyes cry. Did Yoongi get out? Is he still there? He was my only anchor in this world, my only continuity. He was always going to be the same, he was the one I could and would always crawl back to.

I look at my legs as they carry me forward. I need to get to the village, but I can't look at it right now, it'll only fill my head with worry.

I bump into a large crowd and fall to the ground, my heart starts beating even faster, I start panicking even more. Until I see two curious eyes and a hand that pulls me up. A familiar face I haven't seen in a while.

"Oh Jimin, thank god"


"Gosh Hobi, you should be hiding your face better. Are you okay?" Jimin asks while pulling the hood of the cloak further down my face. "Why are you helping me, shouldn't you hate me?" I ask, still a bit out of breath.

"Why should I hate you?" Jimin looks concerned. "Because Yoongi hates me..." I look at the ground. "He hates you? Then why would he come all the way here to look for you?"


I suddenly realize where we are.

We're standing in front of the maze.

"He's alive?? Where is he?" I'm almost shaking, I rest my arms on Jimin's shoulders. "I guess someone told him the king would be hiding in the maze, everyone is going in now. They're going to burn it down soon after. Have you seen Kookie anywhere?"

"And why do you think he's looking for me?" I ask, completely ignoring his question.

"He- uhm, I don't know Hoseok. He only told me he wanted to help you and that he wanted to do what's best. We've been here for the entire wedding, you know" Jimin says.

"You have? Well, I'm going into the maze th-" I get interrupted by Jimin. "Oh there he is!" Jungkook comes running up to us. He falls into Jimin's arm with tears in his eyes.

"I-I thought I lost you" they press their foreheads together and laugh, both of their faces now covered in tears. They kiss passionately, almost like they're in their own world. I decide that I don't have time for this, so I start running towards the entrance of the maze.

"Hoseok! Don't!" Jungkook yells, Jimin still in his arms. "I came to tell you that you shouldn't go in! The guards made a plan, they're going to invade the labyrinth soon, orders are to kill everyone you see"

Did Seokjin make that plan or something? "That only gives me more reason to go in, I would never be able to forgive myself if he died!" and before they can say anything, I'm already in the maze.


It's dark. The hedges are tall. I need to be quick.

And as if I'm the luckiest man alive, I suddenly hear a soft voice "Hobi! Hobi? Are you here somewhere?"


"HOLY SHIT, Hobi you're actually here!" the voice is coming from the other side of the hedge I'm currently standing in front of.

I don't care anymore, I don't care if I get cuts and bruises, I just want to see Yoongi. I brute force myself through the hedge, this is definitely not how you're supposed to do a hedge maze.

I finally come out on the other side, but with a huge gash on my leg from some thorn. I see Yoongi's face and I instantly start crying, it feels like I'm feeling every emotion possible. I'm scared but I'm relieved. I'm in pain but I'm in love.

Standing up is hard for me right now, so I grab Yoongi as tightly as I can, absolutely no space in between us.

I start kissing his face everywhere "You c-came back for me" I laugh through my tears. "You actually came back". Yoongi strokes my hair and starts getting emotional himself.

"R-right after you left, Jimin told me about Namjoon's plan. I-I just" he grabs me tighter. "I-I know I told you to go, but I just couldn't let you die. I would never be able to forgive myself if that happened"

"I'm so glad to have you back" he kisses me on the lips. Everything finally feels right. "I'll never talk to that stupid king again. We'll find a house, we'll live together"

"I-I'll buy you a ring, I'll buy you a real ring just like the one you gave to me. We'll make promises to each other. New ones. I've learned from my mistakes" I hold him as tight as I can, like he'll leave once I let go.

"I love you Yoongi" I give him another kiss, it's something I've been longing for for days now. He grabs my right hand in his.

"I love you t-too"

And at that moment I feel two things. I feel Yoongi slip a small, cold ring around my ring finger.

I also feel the warmth of red blood gushing out of our bodies.

They must've gotten to us, I could have seen this coming.

We fall to the ground at the same time. Yoongi keeps talking to me, his voice getting progressively weaker. But the only thing I can focus on is the ring around my finger. A rare green diamond displayed in a casing of pure gold. Could it be-

"I had to do it Hobi I'm sorry"

Please come back to me, I didn't mean what I said.

"It'll be fine, we'll be okay. Just focus on my voice"

I can't live without my best friend.

"I love you Hoseok, more than anything"

I love you, please give me a sign.

"Don't be scared, I'll be with you through it all"

Don't be scared, I'm here.

"Everything will be fine. That's the honest truth"

Everything will be fine. That's the honest truth.


I open my eyes. My vision is blurry and all I can hear is a familiar calm voice and a few different beeping noises. Someone is holding my hand and I don't feel the ring on my finger anymore.

"Est-ce que je suis mort?"


I love this chapter, but it also kinda means that we're almost at the end aaaaah


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