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We're running towards the palace, but not too fast. I don't want to get my suit all sweaty. It is a completely white suit with a lot of layers, it even took a little while to put on. Luckily I have Jungkook here to help me.

We decide that it's too dangerous to climb back into my window, so we try to sneakily use some back door that's normally used by staff.

Jungkook tells me he has to go, he is needed for security during the wedding. I hug him and sincerely thank him for giving me an opportunity to talk to Yoongi one last time. Even if it didn't go the way I wanted to.

Jungkook pulls out of the hug "Goodbye hyung, I really hope your plan works" he says with a cute smile. I ruffle his hair "Goodbye Kookie, see you on the other side" I say with a wink.

The moment he walks away from me I start questioning what I'm doing here. Shouldn't I run away? Maybe I can go back to Yoongi, I don't know if he'll let me back in though. I don't want to go to the other side. I want to stay here... with the love of my life.

I bump into a broad pair of shoulders "Ah, there you are! I have been looking for you all over!" Seokjin says. "Why weren't you in your room? Taehyung is stressed enough!" he pulls me into my room, that I hadn't noticed I was unconsciously walking towards.

"At least you're already wearing the wedding attir-"

"I don't know if I want to get married" I cut in. Seokjin's eyes widen and he looks at me like he's seen a ghost. "W-what are you talking about?" he says with a higher voice than normal, taking small steps towards me. "That can't be tolerated"

He clears his throat and composes himself. "Jung Hoseok, you will get married to my cousin, no excuses"

He comes close to my ear and whispers "I will have your head, I swear"

Right at that moment a bunch of stylists walk into the room and Seokjin and I both put on fake smiles. "Hoseok, please let the people do your make-up and jewelry. The wedding is in an hour"

I get pushed onto a chair and what feels like a thousand brushes start putting make-up on my face.


There's not that much time left before the wedding and all the stylists have left my room. I honestly feel like crying. I don't want to leave. But I have to.

I hear a soft knock on my door and hear someone say "You're on". I follow the guard through the long, empty hallways with a lump in my throat. We stop in front of a big door that leads outside, where the wedding will take place.

My feet decide that I don't want this, so I start walking in the opposite direction. The guard however, has other plans. He pushes me back in front of the door without saying anything and signals someone through a window.

Loud music starts playing and I know that this is it. I almost start hyperventilating. The guard opens the door and shoves me to the other side. I hear the crowd roar, but my vision is blurry. They probably think I'm crying because it's my wedding day. 

I can see Taehyung with a loving smile on his face and some ridiculous outfit that's equipped with too many military awards. I'm crying because I'm leaving.

I walk towards Taehyung as the crowd gets even louder. I can see a faint green flicker that belongs to a rare diamond on a small cushion next to a second ring. The crowd is going crazier than ever.

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