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Ariana and I are currently watching Dynasty in her living room. She has her legs over mind and I'm rubbing them soothingly

"Y/n?" She asked

"Hm?" I hummed

"Have you told your parents yet? You know about us" she asked as she paused the show

"I haven't yet" I replied

I instantly saw her face drop

"No, no, no. Not because I don't want to, but because I haven't had time. I haven't talked to my mom since we got back" I said

"So you do want to tell them?" She asked

"Of course I do" I said

"Okay" she gave me a big smile

"I've been meaning to ask you something, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate" she said

"What's up?" I asked

She looked unsure, so I nodded telling her it was okay to continue

"Where's your brother? You like never talk about him" she asked

I instantly froze. It wasn't a secret, it's just no one has ever cared enough to ask

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me" she said

"No it's okay. I'll tell you." I said

She nodded her head which told me she was listening

"Well first, let's start off with his name. It's Logan, I don't think i told you that yet. He's twenty eight, I know I told you that. He's in the military, so we don't see him or hear from him much, in fact, I haven't seen him in a year or two" I said

"Oh shit I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I shouldn't have asked" she said instantly regretting that she asked

"No, it's okay. I was gonna tell you at some point" I said

She gave me a gentle, sympathetic smile

"Ask me anything" I said

"When's the last you talked to him?" She asked

"Two months ago" I said honestly

Her face instantly dropped. I can see that she felt the sadness for me

"But he's out there saving lives, or whatever he does" I laughed

She laughed along with me

"I miss him though, but I know it's what he wanted to do so I support him all the way" I said

"He'll be back soon" she said trying to comfort me

"Yea I know. I'm not sad about it anymore so it's okay, you don't have to comfort me" I said honestly, but I did appreciate her

"I want to. I know if my brother goes away for awhile I would want someone to comfort me" she said

"Thank you Ariana" I said with a warm smile

"Of course" she said before she placed a gentle kiss on my lips

Just then, Ariana wrapped her arms around me and we continued the show


"Y/nnnn" she dragged

"Yes?" I asked with a laugh

"I'm hungry" she said

It totally slipped my mind that we haven't even eaten dinner yet and it's already seven pm

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