Date night

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Anxiety. That's all I have to say right now. My anxiety is through the roof. I haven't been on an actual date with a girl in like, forever. I just want it to go good.

I was getting dressed in a classy but casual looking outfit with some flats. Since I'm already tall, I don't want to seem like giant with heels so I decided to skip those. I check the time and notice I should be heading out now. I quickly shoot Victoria a text

 I quickly shoot Victoria a text

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(Your outfit btw)

I'll be there in 30 :)

Can't wait ! 🤍

I smiled at the text and checked one last time in the mirror

"Now or never. I got this" i told myself

I grabbed my keys, and extra hoodie, and my phone and headed out the door to my car.

The drive to Victoria's was short. I was there in a matter of minutes.


I'm outside

Coming :)

I looked in my visor mirror to make sure my hair wasn't a mess. Thank god it wasn't because within three minutes, I saw Victoria walk out of her house and come towards my car. I opened my door and waited by her side

"You look amazing" I smiled

She really did. She was wearing all black and she looked absolutely stunning

 She was wearing all black and she looked absolutely stunning

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(Victoria's outfit)

"So do you" she smiled kissing my cheek

"Here" i smiled opening the car door for her

"No, you don't have to" she said

"It's okay" I said opening the door and helping her in

"Thank you" she said once she was in

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