What if you were the president

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"What if I did something cute" Ariana said

We're currently in the basement messing around with the new studio. Ariana feels the need to write a song right now at this very moment, which isn't going to well. She can't seem to come up with anything, but that's fine, because I know it's a process

"What do you have in mind?" I asked

She thought for a moment

"I'm not sure yet, but if there were soft little beats?" She asked

I nodded my head

"I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I'll talk to Tommy about it and actually go through with it" she said

"Yea, Tommy is better at this than I am" I said

"It's fine, you're keeping me company" she smiled cheekily

Ariana started humming. It sounded like a soft song. Nothing I've heard though

"Holy shit" she said as she jumped up a little

"What?" I asked

"Did you hear that!" She exclaimed

"Yea?" I said confused

"That's as kinda cute" she said

I just had to laugh at how excited she got

"Now we got something" she said tapping her head like she was a genius

"I still don't have lyrics though" she pursed her lips

"Calm down, you'll come up with something sooner or later" I said

"I rather it be sooner" she said

I don't know why she was being so hard on herself today. Maybe she feels like she has to write something new everyday, which is definitely not the case

"It's okay" I said holding her face in my hands


Ariana and I have been sitting in the studio for a few hours.. maybe two? I don't know, I lost track. I don't mind though, I love listening to her sing and do what she loves

"I think I'm done" she said

"You sure?" I asked

"Yea, I can't come up with anything" she said putting her hand to her forehead looking stressed

"Hey, it's okay" I said in effort to call her down

I gently tried to take her hand off of her head

"You'll come up with something eventually. It doesn't have to be now, today, or this week" I explained

I watched as a smile started to form on her face, giving me a good view of the cute little dimples in her cheek

"Wanna go get some lunch?" I asked since it was a little after lunch time

She quickly nodded

"Okay, come on" I said standing up from the ouch and holding my hand out for her to take

She took my hand in hers and we walked up the stairs

I grabbed my car keys and Ariana stopped me

"Can we take my car, but you drive?" She asked

"Yea" I smiled

She nodded and handed me the Tesla keys

"Where should we go?" I asked

"We should get some vegan wraps" she said

"Ou, yes" I said agreeing

We made sure we gave the dogs clean water and new food before walking to the car. Of course I held the front door open and the car door open

"Here, I'll map the place" she said pulling out her phone

"Here, use mine" I said handing it to her

"Oh yea, good idea" she said

She pulled up the maps app and searched for the directions. Once she found it, she handed me my phone back and I put it on the little suction thing she has on her window

"I have the shoot the music video for positions soon" she said in effort to start a conversation

"Oh yea? What's the concept?" I asked

"I have no fucking clue" she said straight up

"Oh shit" I laughed

"Yea, I'm stressed as fuck" she said

"Do you have any ideas?" I asked

"Not one" she shrugged

"Uhh" I started to think"

"What if I did something like the 'into you' video?" She asked throwing a suggestion on

I looked at her for a moment before looking back at the road

"But maybe you could play the role of the hot person that makes out with me" she said as a suggestion

"Oh yea?" I asked as a smile formed on my face

"What if you were the president or something. There's all this shit going down with politics, what if you were the president" I said

She looked at me quick

"Holy. Shit. YOU'RE A GENIUS!" She exclaimed

I was startled at first when she screamed, but I soon gave her a gentle smile

"You're a fucking genius" she said

"You know me" I said cockily

"Never mind. I take it back" she said in a fake disgusted tone

"Fine, be like that" I said and pouted

"Kidding, baby" she said

"I know" I laughed

"Okay, good" she laughed back

"But you really are a genius. How did you even come up with that?" She asked

"Like you said, I'm a genius" I replied with a shrug

"Oh yes" she said sarcastically

"No, but really. I just thought about everything that's been going on with the current president" I said honestly

"I really like that idea" she said as we pulled into the parking lot of the wrap place

"Thank you" I smiled as I put the car in park


Thank you for 35k, love you dearly <3

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