Love it when we make up

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(This whole chapter is smut, so if you're not down for that, then don't read)

"Baby, I'm trying to drive" I laughed as Ariana was running her hand up and down my thigh

The whole ride home, she hasn't kept her hands off of me

"I don't give a fuck" she said

"You're going to make me crash" I laughed

"Pull over" she said nonchalantly with a shrug

"I can't" I laughed

"Why not" she said still rubbing my thighs and snaking her hands up my shirt

"Because we're home" i said putting the car in park

"Give me what I want" She whispered in my ear as I was unbuckling my seatbelt

"Get out of the car" I said as I quickly and swiftly opened my door

She did the exact same. I fiddled with the house keys, frantically trying to unlock the door as soon as possible. The second I opened the door, Ariana and I stumbled into the house and I eventually pushed her against the front door

"Mm" she moaned as her back hit the door

"Let's go upstairs" she said

I quickly picked her up and carried her up the stairs

"Whoa" she said because I took her by surprise

As soon as we made it to the room, I set her down to her feet and started kissing her again. I pushed her against the door more, putting my hand on the small of her back and applying a good amount of pressure

"Y/n/n" she said in a breathy moan

"Hm?" I said as I went to kiss her neck

She lifted her arms over her head, telling me to take her shirt off, so I did. She was left in her black lacy bra and the jeans she was wearing

I swiftly moved us to the bed and gently laid her on her back, I then started to mess around with the button and zipper on her jeans

"Take them off" she demanded

"Say no more" I said as I fully unbuttoned and unzipped them and slid them off her legs

I placed gentle kisses on her jaw, eventually getting to her neck. I nibbled and sucked until I left a mark that I was satisfied with. I searched for her sweet spot and once I found it, I started to lightly suck on it, once again, leaving a nice, dark mark

"Fuck, y/n/n" she moaned out

"Want me to stop?" I joked

"Fuck no" she said

I just laughed

I snaked my hand around her back and unclipped her bra. She then grabbed the back of my neck with both of her hands and brought me to her left breast. I started suck, lick, and swirl my tongue around her nipple. I listened as curse words escaped her mouth. Once I was done with the left one, I showed the exact same attention to the right one. After I was done showing her boobs some attention, I kissed down her stomach and slowly made my way to her thighs, completely ignoring where she needed me the most. I played with the waistband of her panties and she eventually groaned in frustration

"Here, let me help" she taking them off herself

She quickly took them off and threw them somewhere on the ground in the room. I kissed both of her inner thighs, purposely skipping her center

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