He has the final say

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Ariana's POV

Y/n had to stop by the office today since she didn't go to work yesterday.. I know, work on a Saturday, ew. She said she wasn't staying long though, so she should be home any minute.

To pass the time, I decide to pick the house up a little. I folded the blanket that we keep on the couch, wiped down the coffee table, and the wiped down the kitchen counter. As I was just finishing up, the front door opened

"Ari?" Y/n called out

"I'm here" I said from the kitchen

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked coming in

"I was just picking the house up" I replied

"I could of done it" she said

"But you were at work, so I did it" I said with a smile

"Fine" she pouted

"My poor baby, it's okay" I said cupping her cheeks and giving her a gentle kiss

"Wanna go do something?" She asked

"Like what?" I asked

"I don't know, let's go to stores?" She suggested

"Like shopping?" I smirked

"Sure, if that's what you want" she smiled

"Okay, let me go change" I said running up the stairs

I quickly changed into a crew neck with my thigh highs

"You really have to wear heels everywhere?" She asked

"It makes us the same height" I said

"That's why you wear them?" She asked

I nodded

"You're too much" she laughed

"Yea, yea, let's go" I said pulling on her arm

"Slow down" she laughed


"Isn't this cute?" I asked

We're at Tiffany and Co, just looking around. We're not actually going to buy anything

"That is cute. Is that a bee?" Y/n asked looking at the pearl necklace I had in my hands

"Yea, it's really cute" I said

"Do you want it?" She asked

I looked at her with wide eyes

"No" I said

"Yes you do" she said

"We said we weren't going to buy anything in here" I said

"What's once necklace?" Y/n asked

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