Whats the plan today

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Ariana's POV

I'm awoken by the spongebob theme song playing in the background

"Good morning" I heard a raspy voice say

I looked up and saw y/n rubbing the tired out of her eyes.

"Good morning" I said sitting up

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Uh, not sure" she said

"We're in here" Courtney yelled from the kitchen

"We're coming" I shouted back

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize i fell asleep on you last night. That's kind of embarrassing" I said as my cheeks heated up

"It's okay. I was cold so you warmed me up" she smiled

"Thank you for keeping me warm" I smiled and kissed her cheek

"Of course, stunner" she said

We both walked into the kitchen and saw everyone sitting at the table eating pancakes

"Who cooked?" I asked

"Victoria" Brian said stuffing pancake into his mouth

"Thank you, Victoria" y/n smiled at her

"Yea thanks, Vic" I kissed her cheek

"You're welcome guys" Victoria smiled

As we all finished eating and talking we all cleaned up the kitchen and went to the living room

"Do you have an extra toothbrush?" Y/n asked me

"Yea, here come with me"  I said walking with her to the bathroom.

I opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out and extra toothbrush

"And you can just leave the tooth brush here in my jar for when you spend the night again" I smiled

"Thanks" she said as I walked out and went back downstairs

"Ariana, can we talk to you" Courtney said

"Yea, what's up?" I asked

"What happened with y/n last night?" Courtney asked

"I don't know. I was cold and then I fell asleep after you all fell asleep and she was gonna head home but I told her to stay and I guess I ended up laying on her" I said

"It was cute" Scott said

"Not gonna lie" Brian said

"I ship it too and I'm the one asking her on dates and shit" Victoria said

"We're just friends guys" I said

"Mhm" they all said unison

"Just be careful" Brian said

"What are we being careful of ? Did Ariana hurt herself?" Y/n asked walking down the stairs

"No, no. She's okay. We were just saying to be careful with the stove next time" Courtney lied

"Oh okay" she said

"So what's the plan today?" Brian asked

"Well me and Courtney have to do go pack some stuff since I'm moving next week" Victoria said

"So, we can't stick around, sorry Ari" Courtney said

"Me and Brian have to teach a dance class" Scott said winking at me

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