DJ Got Us Falling In Love

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Chapter 5 - DJ Got Us Falling in Love

My face heated up when he said that and i think i was pretty red too.

"You too" i said dreamily as i realized that i just called him beautiful.His eyes went wide when i said that and he started smirking.Smirking?WOW..that's new!

"I meant that you looked good too"

"Yea..sure you did" i nudged him at that.He chuckled.



"Can we take my car?"

"Okay" he replied with a genuine smile which made my heart flutter.Sh*t! I cant believe this is happening.I never felt this way before and all of a sudden he makes me feel this way?What the hell?

We walked towards my HRE M53 Monoblok Wheel Set 22 Inch Grey Range Rover Sport which was safely parked in the garage.I just loved my car.It was so epic.It was beautiful.I was in love with it.Speaking of love, im NOT in love with Daniel.I just realised that i like him, but its not love, atleast i dont think it is.

We reached my car and i took my keys out of my black and golden sequined clutch.I got in and kept the clutch on Daniel's lap and put the keys in ignition.The thing that Kiki told me was nagging me in the head.Did Daniel seriously like me?Should i ask him about it now?

"Vi?You there?Vi start the car!Vi,Vi?Viiooolleettt!!!" he screamed.

"Huh?Ohh,right,k" i said starting the car and switching the radio on.Relief flashed across Daniel's face.

"God Vi! I thought something happened to you" i rolled my eyes at this and returned my gaze on the road.

Is This Love by Chris Brown was going on.Perfect (NOT!!!)

Is this love

Because I gotta know, is this real

Girl i gotta know, is it you taking over my heart

If its love-

I changed the radio,i mean seriously?!Not a good time for this song.Sometimes its so pissing off when songs are played which exactly tell the situation we are in when we don't want it.

I guess i'm just a sucker for love

'Cuz honestly the truth is that

You know i'm never leavin'

'Cuz you're my angel sent from above...

"Uggghhh!!!!" i screamed.Sh*t Sh*t!!!

I just screamed and Daniel heard me.Crap

"What the hell Vi?You okay?" he asked, concern showing in his voice.

But this time we had reached the club.God, i didn't even realize.I removed the keys and got out of the car and hit the door shut.

"Violet!Listen to me!Are you okay?Do you wanna go home?We can go..k?" he asked shaking me with his strong hands.

"Im fine Daniel, lets just go inside,k?"

"You sure?"

"Yes! Im sure,now can we go in, please?"

"Fine, fine lets go!" he chuckled.

We got in and some song had just gotten over and guess which song had started?

DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again by Usher


"Ohhh Myyyy Gossshhhh!!!Dan that's OUR song!!!" i exclaimed, screaming.

"I knooooooo, lets go dance!!"

We danced our heads off.The next song was Just Dance by Lady Gaga, we danced to that too.Then there was We Are Who We R by Ke$ha to which we didn't dance and that's right now and that's the reason we're sitting and resting.

I never liked the smell or taste of beer or any other alcoholic thing.But as my head was spinning with questions i decided to drink.I headed for the bar and asked the bar-tender for a Green Goblin.I remember that name from the last time we came clubbing and Kate had ordered that.I think it had blue vodka and lemon juice or something.My drink came in like a second.I took the drink from the bar-tender's hand and as i was about to drink it,a hand stopped me.

"Whoa!Whoa!Whoa!Whoa!Whoa,Since when do you drink?That too a Green Goblin?" he asked, obviously shocked by my newly found interest in drinking.

"Since when do you ask me questions?" i asked in a bitchy tone.He looked taken aback and his face looked like he just realized he had no right to speak for me.Sh*t i hurt him.Man im such an idiot.

He turned and started to walk away when i grabbed his hand-"Sh*t!Dan im so sorry, i wasn't thinking when i said that,im so sorry.Can you please forgive me?Please?"

"No.You stop saying sorry.It's my fault.I don't have any right to your life."

"Yes you do!Your my best friend.You have right to every single bone in my body!!" i half yelled.He sighed and said "I don't have a right to every bone in your body, cuz if i did, u wouldn't be a virgin " he said with a smirk.I playfully shoved him and we both agreed on me drinking a few drinks.I downed my Green Goblin.Then Daniel introduced me to some drink called OJ Simpson which i actually agreed to drink only because of my interest in The Simpsons.Yea, i know,lame reason,but still.After that i had Sex on the Beach.As in not literally, i meant the drink.I was feeling very dizzy after this.Daniel had a glass of Vodka McGovern and he remained sober so he could drive us back,

I was feeling extremely dizzy and the last thing i remember before blacking out was me falling and Daniel catching me.


As i woke up in the morning my head hurt and my mouth was dry.My eyes never opened.They were held tight in my head and they refused to open up.My stomach and chest burned against me.My head was hurting like a thousand knives had been stabbed into it.I shuffled and turned around in a...bed?

Okay??I guess Dan brought me home.How sweet of him.I smiled with my eyes shut.

I turned and held my hands over my head.It was like i was holding them from falling apart.I rubbed my forehead and rubbed my eyes.I presses against my temples and all across my head.

This bed,it seemed so,different.

I slowly managed to open my eyes.

Next to me was lying my hot, gorgeous finely built best friend.Shirtless!! In his boxers!!!

We were in the same bed.....

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