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Chapter 9 - Ace

Ace seemed to be the talk of the school, just as I had imagined. I was surprised that I hadn't heard of him before Chemistry. Kate and I were walking towards the lunch hall to meet with Dan and his new "best friend forever" Charlotte. 

"So, why do you dislike Charlotte so much? Does it have anything to do with your little date with Daniel?" Kate inquired.

"Shut up Kate. That has nothing to do with why I don't like Charlotte. I mean it's not a me thing to dislike someone so fast. It's just something about her that really annoys me. Also, what the hell is up with Danny? Like he's completely ignoring me." I replied. 

Kate gave me a weird look before replying, " I hardly think he's doing it on purpose. It's probably puppy love or some teenage hormonal thing he's going through." 

"You know, when you say things like that, you make yourself sound really old." I walked towards my locker only to find it blocked due to a certain someone' presence.

"Oh my god! Hey Violet! I didn't know you and Danny were friends. I was just telling him how you were so nice to me in the morning and he mentioned how you both are good friends." Charlotte greeted me, beaming like crazy, hooking her arm into Daniel's.

'Good friends'? 'GOOD FRIENDS'? I really wanted to hurt this woman. God I don't know what is up with me today. How dare he? We've known each other since we were born and now we're just "good friends"? I'll show him.

"Yeah, we're friends. It's not that big of a deal really. We're neighbors, that all." I replied sweetly, giving a semi glare to Daniel. By the look on his face, I wasn't sure whether he understood my jibe but he sure did look quite nonplussed. Serves him right.

Kate pressed my hand tightly and gave me look that said 'back off'. "Hi, I'm Kate Garcia." Kate said, introducing herself to Charlotte. Dan was giving me a questioning look, but I was not in the mood for him.

"Oh my God. You're Kate! Everyone keeps talking about you and I've only been here for a few hours. I'm assuming you're the head cheerleader?" Charlotte asked with a pleasant smile. There was something really, really off about this girl. I don't know what it is, but it's just not right. I tried moving around her to get to my locker. She apologized quickly and I finally got access to my locker. I shoved my books inside and turned to face Kate.

"No, not really. I'm the co-captain." Kate corrected with a small smile. The four of us started moving in the direction of the lunch hall. The three of them were busy talking. Daniel hadn't said a word to me even now. It was really disconcerting. Just then I saw Ace coming out of the music room, staring at his schedule. It was lunch now, I wonder what he was doing in the music room. Maybe he's lost.

Normally, I never really dared to walk up to a guy and talk to him especially ones whom I had awkward encounters with but today just wasn't a normal day for me. I think after Kiki's "makeover", I really had one, personality wise. I walked up to Ace, straying away from my group who didn't really notice me leaving, and tapped on his shoulder.

He turned to look towards me and I finally had the chance to examine his eyes. They were such a pretty colour. They were brown, but they seemed to have light in them, almost literally. His eyes were dark but clear. They looked like how water would look like if it wasn't colourless but brown. 

"You're staring." He said, with a blank face. I blushed immediately and looked away, trying my best to look anywhere but his face.

"Sorry" I replied, timidly, scratching my arm. "I just thought you were lost and needed help figuring out where the lunch hall was, so I came over." I rambled. He gave me a long look as though taking me in like I was a suspect in a lineup. He then sighed and motioned for me to lead the way. I started walking slowly towards the lunch hall. He didn't utter one word. He didn't seem like the talkative type. Infact, he didn't seem like he talked unless he absolutely had to. God, there I go judging people again. What is wrong with me today? I twisted my face in annoyance with regard to my behaviour today and at that exact moment Ace looked at me with questioning eyes.

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