The Weekend

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Chapter 2 - The Weekend


The short school bell signified that the day was finally over, and so was the week. Just as the normal bell sound ended, the weekly Tibetan bell sounds flooded the hallways. On the last day of each week, our school sounds Tibetan bells followed by relaxing Celtic music through the sound system to create a soothing atmosphere to ring in the weekend. Initially I found the practice ridiculous, but eventually the decades-long ritual came to be quite calming. 

It was finally time for the weekend and I was, for no particular reason, more pumped for this one than any other one in the last few weeks. I start walking out of class and just as I walk out of the door, my hand suddenly gets jerked towards the right. What the hell? Before I can react, the person who pulled me starts to run. I stop in place suddenly and he nearly falls. When I see who it is, I punch him in the arm.

"You could have dislocated my arm loser," I say while rubbing my shoulder. "And why are we running?"

"You have got to come see this. There's this huge fight that's been going on between Hugh and Ronald in the South Wing," he says, looking quite amused.

"So? What's new about that?"

"What's new is what they're fighting about, or more precisely, who. Or is it whom? I'm confused," he says, scratching his head.

"Okay, whom are they fighting about? And why do we care? Their fights are so lame. It's almost always about some BS male bravado stuff anyway," I say, rolling my eyes and folding my arms against my chest.

"Umm, we care 'cause the person they're fighting over is you," he says cocking an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, what? Me? What on earth for? What?" I don't even know how to react to this, that's how bizarre this situation is. In fact, that would be an understatement considering the people involved.

"I'm not really sure. All I know is that it's about you, well you're involved somehow. At least that's what Pamela said. The fight involves you but I have no idea in what way or why. So now can we go?"

"But why me?" I ask, still in a daze of confusion.

"Seriously? Is that all you caught out of  what I said?"

"Huh, what?"

"Oh my god, never mind! Just come," he half yells, impatiently. 

We get there in what seems like a minute which is surprising because the South Wing is quite far from where my last class was being held. I didn't know Dan could run this fast, or that I could follow in the same pace. As we near the source of all the chaos, we see a huge crowd surrounding Hugh and Ron. The yelling and cheering gets louder as we do, which makes for an odd contrast with the Celtic music. 

Well at least there's nothing new about this. Hugh was always picking fights with his friends, usually of the harmless kind, but it was always odd to me when he fought with Ron considering he was next in line after him in the high school hierarchy and also his best friend. 

I push my way through the crowd and out of my comfort zone. As I make my way through the crowd, a few people recognise me and start whispering to their friends, alerting them to the presence of the root cause of the fight.  When I finally reach the centre, I see Hugh with a bloody nose and Ron with a bruise on his left eye. So, this has gotten out of hand.

"Would you two please stop this?! What the hell is this even about? Care to explain Hugh? No, wait. Ronald, you explain. Right now!" I yell uncharacteristically, and all eyes are on me in an instant. Talk about awkward.

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