A bet

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I let out a silent sight. After the 12 hours flight to Japan I was exhausted.

When I arrived at the exit of the airport, I watched the people searching for a raven haired boy. I met Kageyama online two years ago, in a game. We became friend and I was really excited because today was the day I would finally meet him for real.

"L/n, over here!"

I heard behind my back. I slowly turned around to see a tall boy standing in front of me.

"Kageyama!!!" I shout as I start hugging my friend. "I'm so happy to finally meet you!"I say with a happy face.

"We FaceTimed a few times you know?" He says as I pout at him

Yeah but it's never like in real life dummy~ thought to myself

"Anywaysssss let's go discover my new home!"
I say happily


We walk during about an hour chatting about anything and everything before stopping before a small house. I enter the key in the lock and unlock the door. As I enter the house I notice that my stuff was already there.

"Great ! I won't have to unpack! I think I'll just do my bed and get my school supplies because we have school tomorrow..."I says without conviction

"Still as messy and disorganized as ever I see"Kageyama tease me "hey, I have an idea!"He says " why wouldn't we make a bet?"

"A bet?"I ask , confuse
"Yeah, a ber. And the winner can ask 5 things to the loser. It can be a question, or a demand, like to do groceries or stuff like that"He answered quickly

"Ok! Sounds fun!"I said

" my bet is that you are gonna be late for school tomorrow "he smirked at me

Slightly blushing I answer
" bet accepted ! Be ready to do groceries kags"I joked


Running in the street with a toast in my mouth, I hurry to school. I forgot to put my alarm on yesterday, and now I'm late! I finally reached the school and rushed to my classroom. I knock on the door and hear the teacher coming to open the door

" I'm very very sorry m'am"I bowed

"It's fine just try to con in time tomorrow "she answered back " now please introduce yourself to the class please"she tell me

" Hi y'all! My name is f/n L/n and I'm a transfer student from America! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better"I smiled at the class

I could hear the murmures of the students about how pretty I am or how friendly I look when a certain student sitting in the back catch my attention


I can tell just by the look on his face that he is also thinking about the bet

Great! Now I ow kags 5 favors. Just my luck!

I thought to myself while sitting at my new place

This year's gonna be interesting...


A few things :
A/n= author's note
F/n = first name
L/n = last name
Y/n = your name
-This story takes place after the first Tokyo training camp
-As much as I adore her, Yachi does not exist in this story
-the story may not exactly follow the anime's story but it's still the same ( i may change some little details )
-kageyama does NOT know about you being a prodigy , he only knows that you played volleyball before
-kageyama does NOT know about your dad and your mom(the details coming later)
-everybody in the volleyball world knows you but only your nickname and not your real name(because of your father, you'll see later)
-she cut her hair and wear makeup so people that only saw her a few times on tv don't recognizes her( obviously people like coach Ukai or coach Nekomata that actually saw some of her games and all that are able to recognize her)
And Ik Ik it's rly bad so if you keep reading...
anyways love y'all that read until the end of the chapter💕 and thank you❤️❤️🥰😊

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