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The game started slowly, with the other side beating us 25-22. To be honest that didn't really surprised me because the guys of the other team almost all looked more experienced then the one on my side. Even tho I hate to admit it, I was having fun. I enjoyed playing with the boys.

I could hear the croud cheering as we advanced to match point. "The USA team advance to match point after this 9th service in a row from the prodigy starpeed. We expect nothing less for her! Will she ace her 10th service and emport the victory home with her team?" I could feel the heat floating in the gym and the faint smell of my teammates crowded around me. The encouragements of my friends and the supporters were fillings my ears and giving me confidence for my last serve" Will the USA team win against last year champion's, the Brazil?"

~End of flashback~

I snapped out of it when I heard the sound of the ball touching the floor once again spiked by the freak duo

"Damn Kageyama, you never told me you were this good at volleyball" I exclaimed after lightly tapping his shoulder. I turned right in time to catch the high five of Noya basically jumping on me

"I like you enthusiasm Nishinoya-san, but you know I'm not the one who got the point right?" I said slightly laughing
"Yeah but i want a high five anyways" he pouted at me
"HEY, I WANT ONE TWO!" I heard Tanaka screaming while running toward us
"ME THREE!" I heard the little tangerine exclaim as he jump to us
"Ok ok don't worry I won't disappear." I said laughing real hard


As I thought. The teams the captain made were carefully created. The guys on the other team are almost all y'all and better at defense. On the other hand, the guys on my team have almost all a lot of attack power. Basically, their team defends and ours attack. Not bad captain, not bad.

We were on the third set. Our team won the second one 25-21 and we were now trying to win the game(game :) We just marked a point and we were now at set point. Asahi served and Nishinoya received it like a pro, sending the ball right over Kags's head. He set it up quickly and everything felt like it was in slow motion. Hinata spiking the ball, a tall blonde guy blocking it but not me picking it up. I wasn't in slow motion.

Kageyama's pov

Shit. The ball's gonna hit the floor and we'll be back to deuce again. Wait! What?
I just saw a flash, then the ball was over my head again, then I was setting it up to....nothing. There was literally nobody where I sent the ball. Shit! Why did I have to set it where NOBODY is ! I was taken by surprise but still! How can I do a beginner mistake such as this?!
Suddenly, I heard a loud smash and the ball was bouncing to the second floor.
Then, I saw y/n. There was no doubts, SHE spiked the ball just now. I cleared my throat " ummmmm y/n?"

Y/n's pov:
SHIT! Shit, shit,shit,shit,shiiiiittttttt! I got excited! How could I do that! I totally sold my identity! They'll definitely know who I am!
"Ummmmm, y/n?" I heard Kageyama say behind me. The gym was suddenly silent and everyone looked at me with wide eyes.
"AMAZING!!!!!! I WANT TO DO THAT TWO!" I heard Hinata saying to me
"Haha i would like to teach you hinata, but the truth is i don't know how I did this" i nervously said " I don't want to say you're lying y/n, but the TWO moves you just did are not something you just do. You need to have attained a lot to do that" the silver haired boy from before said."y/n, did you ever played volleyball before?" Ennoshita asked me " I, huh, no I-" Then we heard the opening of yarichin bitch club filling the gym very loud " my phone"I quickly said while picking up "hello?" "Y/NNNNNNNNNN THANK GOD YOU FINALLY ANSWERED WE WERE WORRIED!" " haha sorry Jessy I didn't mean to make you guys worry like that" I said. " By the way, where are you? You didn't come to practice since last week and you didn't even show up to school what's going on?" I then noticed that everyone was looking at me confused and I knew they heard all that she just said. Well almost everyone because hinata and kageyama didn't understood a word of what you were saying ( because you speak English with them, they were your old friends and volleyball teammates for America). I quickly got to a corner of the gym where I hopped nobody would hear us " I, huh how to put this, I kindda transferred?"
"Huh it's kindda complicated you see.."
"Ok then at least tell us which school so we can come visit you!"
"Ummmmmmm, you see I kindda transfered to.... Japan?"😅
"Japan? Like the country on the other side of the GLOBE?"
"Haha yeah.... I'm sorry guys..." I answered shamefully
"It's not about us y/n! I can't believe your parents, no I mean your father agreed to this!" Jenny told me
"Well, it's kindda complicated, but I ask you one thing. Don't go tell him. And if he comes, please say you don't know where I am. Please!"
"Uhhhhhhhh ok! I won't! But we DEFINITELY need to come visit you! I always wanted to visit Japan!"
"Haha ok , I'll make you visit the bes-"

Ukai's pov:

I entered the gym and it was silent. Then, I heard an English voice speaking in a corner. When I turned around to see who it was, I froze. What is SHE doing here? Why is an international prodigy here? Why is the starpeed in this gym?!?
Then, the voice stopped. She saw me two and she was frozen as well. Her eyes were wide open and staring directly at me .Then, she quickly jumped on her feets and started running out of the gym way to fast for any of us to follow
" WAIT L/N!!" I screamed, trying to stop her. But she didn't stop. Everyone was very confused, but I was the worst one. Why was Y/n here? And why do I have the feeling that she doesn't want us to know who she really is?

Haha sorry this chapter is very lame😂 Anyways the chapters should start to be better~

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