Training camp (2)

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I was walking in the halls with that Kuroo guy. He was talking about how much he enjoy shutting down Bokuto's spikes when we heard my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket but when I looked at the number, I put it back where it was.

"Ummm y/n aren't you going to answer?" He asks me
"Yeah, actually I think I won't " I answered rubbing the back of my neck
"Who is it?"
"My dad... bit I don't really want to talk to him right now" I nervously answered


I sight as I hear the sound of my phone ringing again. He literally called me every 15 minutes since this morning. The guys were now playing against nekoma and I could practically feel the glare of Kuroo on the other side of the net.

"Is it ok if I go put this in my room?" I ask coach Ukai pointing at my phone
"Sure! You know, maybe you should call back the person that's calling you since this morning. He really seems to want to talk to you." Like I want to talk to him!

" Yeah, maybe" I said exiting the gym
I walked trough the school and I was lost in my thoughts when i saw a familiar place


I walked all the way up the stairs wondering where it leads. I could feel the cold breeze on my face pushing back my hair. It was really relaxing and I enjoyed this little walk. I finally arrived at destination and I was very surprised when I realized it was the roof. Actually, it was a very nice place. I started to get cold and decided to go back in, but I promised myself to come back...

End of flashback

I smiled at the memory of yesterday night. When I got to our room, I quickly thrown my phone on my bed before going back. Just as I closed the door, I heard my phone ringing again
Damn, he's never gonna give up is he? Anyways, it's not like I'm gonna answer. He's probably just drunk again and wants to shout at me. Nothing new...

When I came back in the gym, i searched karasuno with my eyes. When i made eye contact with Kags, I saw him staring at me. There was a lot of confusion and wonder in his eyes, I could tell he was curious about the person calling me since this morning. I broke the contact first, when I started to feel heat in my face. Wait! Heat? Like blushing?! Why am I blushing at Kageyama?! I quickly shacked my head and headed to the team. The rest of the afternoon flew by rapidly without anything special happening. When me and Kiyoko came back from the bath, I took my phone to go scroll on my social media. When I opened it, I saw that I had 164 missed calls. Damn he must've been really drunk to call me 164 times! I was about to go on my account when Nishinoya, Tanaka and Hinata came sitting besides me .Omg!! I almost got discovered! I need to be more careful, they don't know who I am. Well technically they know me and my real name but they don't know my social standing!
"Nothing much you?"
"We were about to go buy some drinks wanna come?" Tanaka said
"Let me guess. You asked Suga or Daichi and he said that you guys had to be with someone."
"Damn, she saw right trough us!" Noua said
" So, do you accept to come with us y/n-chan?" Hinata asked me
"I guess I have nothing else better to do so yeah, why not?" They all jumped cheering making me laugh. We walked to the store talking about the most random things. We also discovered that I was almost as irresponsible as them, meaning that Suga and Daichi did NOT mean me when they said someone else. Obviously dumb as we all were, we got lost. It took us 3 hours to find our way back!

When we entered silently the inn, it was already 1 in the morning. We were almost to our room when we heard a noise behind us. We all froze in fear. If it was either Suga or Daichi, we were D.E.A.D. We were waiting in silent for the person to say something when he said

"Hey hey heyyyyy, y/n, hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka! I finally found you! I searched you guys for the past hour! All the teams are assembling in the gym to play truth or dare! The managers are there to! Come on!" He sais pushing us all in the direction of the gym.

As we entered we saw all teams and managers sitting in a circle. When people saw us, they smiled to us and told us to sit with everyone in circle
"Ok, now that everyone is here, lets start the game " Kuroo says

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