chapter three • fine dining

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c h a p t e r t h r e e

"That's me." You said, pulling on your sugar-baby persona as much as physically possible. "Doctor Reid, then?"

His eyes crinkled with his grin, which was toothy and wide. It was hard not to smile back.

"Yeah, h-hello." He waved chastely.

Then, he extended a bent arm, and without hesitation you looped your arm around his elbow, allowing him to walk you to the car he'd driven. He let go in order to open the passenger side door, before shutting it behind you as you smoothly slid into the seat.

The interior was leather, smooth and pristine, just as you'd expected. You were thankful to be sheltered from the bite of the wind as Spencer crawled into his own side of the car.

Muted classical music drifted through the speakers. It sounded so familiar, but who was it? You tried to distinguish it.

"Chopin?" You asked, hoping desperately that you were right. You recalled his 'educated' preference on his profile. He turned his head to you, eyebrows raised with delight.

"Y-yes, actually." His voice was slightly rough. "A fan of classical music, Y/N?"

You weighed your options, wondering if you knew enough about classical music to bullshit your way through a conversation about it.

"It's okay, if not," Spencer said, eyes on the road this time. You watched his adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "No pressure, Y/N."

"I appreciate that, actually-" You wondered what to call him. Doctor? Spencer? Sir? Daddy? Men were weird with pet names. "-uh, what do you want me to call you?"

You studied his side profile -as chiseled and statue-like as his photo- and watched his eyes furrow. He hadn't given it any thought, apparently.

"Spencer is fine, or Reid, if you prefer."

You wondered how far you could push this, as you pondered his inexperience. Was he actually this innocent?

"Sure, those are perfectly fine,"  Your face was sly with mischief. "but what do you like? Doctor?" His eyes darted to you, wide like a deer in the headlights. "Sir? Daddy?"

He squirmed in his seat, his bottom lip caught in his teeth.

"I-" He had to clear his throat as his voice faltered. "I don't have a preference." He glanced at you as you cocked your head. "For now." He added, practically a whisper. "Whatever you'd like to call me, I'll be okay with."

Not opposed to 'daddy' then? You grinned. That was all you needed. A hint of something that indicated Doctor Reid was interested in keeping you around. You hoped that you hadn't pushed it.

"What would you prefer?" He asked, just as subdued as before.

"Y/N, or baby. Both are preferred."

The silence was mostly comfortable, as you listened to the music. You didn't know enough about to make small talk just yet, and 'why are you in need of a sugar baby' isn't great topic for conversation, as you'd figured out the hard way.

Luckily, the restaurant was pretty close to campus, if not a little uptown. The lights were bright and fluorescent with light-up signs to restaurants and stores you didn't recognize. He did say formal, after all.

Eventually, Spencer pulled off the main street into a parking lot behind a large, expensive looking restaurant. Your mouth watered at the thought of the food inside, and you were reminded of the reason you were doing this.

"Well, we're here." Spencer stated the obvious. You nodded. He took the key from the ignition before getting out, moving to your side of the car.

As he was walking around the vehicle, you pulled out your phone, shooting Jess a text.

sugar! sugar! • spencer reid x reader Where stories live. Discover now