chapter six • risk

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c h a p t e r s i x

It had been a risk.

And... not exactly a calculated one.

You knew the limitations of your arrangement with Dr. Reid. You knew that his obligation was to finance your college career in return for companionship, and that was the extent of your connection to each other. You knew that.

And yet you still went to Victoria's Secret, and picked out that ridiculous red slip. As you browsed the isles you imagined Spencer's potential reaction to every piece of elaborate lingerie. What would fluster him most? What would turn him on?

The red slip had, in fact, been financed by Spencer instead of paying your tuition, but it was on sale, and you felt sexy in it. You had to constantly remind yourself; it's okay to indulge sometimes!

You sent the picture spontaneously, begging anyone or anything listening that he wouldn't be too distracted or frustrated that you were texting him while he was at work.

You left the chat open on your computer screen for hours, in a separate tab as you did your assignments. Every half hour or so, you'd check in and see if he'd read it. A little compulsive, but you became shockingly insecure about the message the second you'd sent the photo and you were desperate to know if you'd chosen correctly at the mall.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" You exclaimed suddenly, after you switched tabs back to the Sugar Sugar chat. "It says he's seen it!"

Jess's head whipped around from where she was seated at her desk, trying to read your screen.

"Y/N, don't even stress!" She turned fully away from her laptop. "You're hot and he'll obviously see that. He should be falling at your feet in prayer after that damn picture."

"You're right, you're right, I totally am hot!" Silence fell for several seconds. "... so why hasn't he replied?"

Jess gets up fully from her chair to inspect, leaning over your shoulder. "It says it was read 7 minutes ago." She reads aloud. "Oh-" abruptly, she stops herself.

"What?" You question, worried. You look at the screen, and then back at her. "What, Jess? Tell me right now I swear to-" you begin, but she cuts you off.

"He's totally jerking it to that photo. Like right now."

You pause in stunned silence.

"No way. No way, Jess."

"Uh, yes way, Y/N." She goes back to her chair. "Why else would he be looking at a lingerie picture for..." she checked the time on her phone. "eight minutes?"

You looked at the 'read' time stamp. At the photo. Back at the time stamp.

"No way. I don't believe that, not Spencer."

She didn't respond and you clicked back into the google doc for your essay you were working on, trying to refocus. You only got about another paragraph down before a notification alerts you.

*2 new messages on Sugar! Sugar!

Hurriedly, you clicked the notification, essay forgotten, and saw his messages.

Spencer: I will say I throughly enjoyed that picture.
Spencer: It brightened my day (well, night, actually.)

"Oh my god, he jerked off to me. You were right." With the realization, your cheeks flush with heat, and your eyes widen. "Is this a compliment?"

Jess rushes over to read the messages, laughing for nearly a minute after she read them.

"I mean..." Jess mimes tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "it depends on how comfortable you are with MD here."

"He's not a medical-" you stop, knowing it's pointless to argue. "I mean, I don't think he's a creep or anything. And he's like, cute so I feel like maybe... maybe I'm okay with it?"

Jess looks at you for a moment, a small smile creeping onto her face.

"You like this guy."

"He's my sugar daddy it's not unheard for me to send pictures of myself in stuff he practically paid for, and it's not unheard of for him to enjoy it!"

You didn't know why you were getting defensive suddenly, and you almost feel sorry, but once you started you couldn't stop.

"I need that money, and if we both enjoy it in the process, then that's all I need."

"Okay, Y/N." You look at her, expecting her to be mad, but that stupid grin is still on her face.

Despite your annoyance with your roommate, you type out a reply, a blush still filling your cheeks.

You: well good ;) that was the intention
You: goodnight, doc

Fuck the essay.

You close your laptop, and in silence get ready for bed, slipping on your favorite pajamas and crawling under your blankets. You turn off the lamp, leaving only Jess's computer screen to light the room.

As you toss and turn, a feeling you just can't place unfurls in your stomach. You have a restless night, only thinking forward of what's to come.

After this case, Spencer's coming back to Virginia.



short chapter i know i know i'm sorry i swear we get real spencer + y/n content next chapter

the only thing more painful than READING slow burn fic is writing it so pls don't kill me if they end up getting together sooner than i intended

i take absolutely no liability

lots of love <3


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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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