chapter four • currency

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c h a p t e r f o u r

You did google him, not that night but the next morning. You had hesitated, at first, wondering if it was an invasion of privacy is you'd guaranteed him discretion the night before.

Then again, it wasn't for personal gain, you were just curious.

Happy that it was now the weekend, you flipped open your laptop, closing all school-related tabs until you reached the blank search page.

doctor spen|
doctor spencer reid|

You pressed the magnifying glass icon, watching the page buffet before loading. Immediately you were flooded with results. Your eyes widened in shock.

Dr. Spencer Reid; Youngest Profiler in the FBI!

MIT- Dr. Spencer Reid; Thesis.pdf

FBI BAU Insider Info- Spencer Reid

Behavior Analysis Unit- Click for Info

Quantico- Staff Registry- BAU- Dr. Reid

The search results were in the thousands. You clicked through page after page, shocked at the sheer amount of accomplishments in his career. A profiler? With the FBI? Embarrassingly, you also clicked through multiple FBI webpages searching for more on him and his job.

You reasoned with yourself that it was perfectly normal to be interested in the life and job of the man who would probably be funding much of your life from know on. For stability's sake.

Doing what you do, you get a lot of powerful men in your inbox. Congressmen, CEO's, old-money spoiled brats with connections, and tech giants with money to burn.

FBI, however, was new territory.

"Jess, you are not going to believe this." You said from your desk, glancing up at Jess who was laying on her phone in her bunk-bed, even though it was afternoon by now.

"What? You finally google MD?"

"I told you he isn't a medical doctor, jesus, Jess." You sighed, turning the laptop screen into Jess's view. "He is an FBI agent, though."

This caused her to sit up fast in her bed, her skull making a thunk noise when it connected with the ceiling.

"Shit!" She exclaimed clutching her head. You started to ask if she was okay but she didn't let you even start. "No way! You have an FBI agent in your DM's? This is ridiculous. He's gotta be loaded."

You couldn't argue with that.

"Yeah, apparently. He's a behavioral profiler." In the few criminology and psychology classes you'd taken, you'd studied profiling. You hadn't been very good at it.

"Oh god, smart too? Brains and braun! Honestly, drop the sugar daddy stuff and just marry the guy." She laughed at her own joke.

"Are you okay? You sure you don't have a concussion?" You scoffed. This only made her laugh harder.

You were moments away from closing your computer when you remembered the addition to your bank account from the previous night.

"By the way, Jess, if you want to go out to lunch instead of having leftovers, Mr. FBI venmoed me one hundred dollars last night."

Jess just gaped at you, shock evident on her face.

"Man, I really need to quit my job." She grumbled, sitting up, slower this time. "Lunch sounds great, though, if you're paying." You both smiled at that.

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