chapter one • lonesome

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c h a p t e r  o n e

Dr. Spencer Reid is a genius by anyone's standards. Incredible IQ, an impossible amount of degrees, and he was the youngest agent in the FBI. He should be the happiest man on earth, no? Well, no. There's one thing Spencer's smarts couldn't help him with.


He's had an incredible amount of romantic mishaps in his life. From missing out on his high school and college experience to seeing his girlfriend murdered in front of him. To say the least, he wasn't the luckiest guy on the planet by a long shot.

After years of working as a profiler, he was beginning to be tired of coming home to an empty apartment. Every night when he came home, he silently wished he'd walk in to someone who he talk to, or to cuddle with. The sex would be a bonus, too.

What? He's a man after all.

Though, as he got older, his social skills hardly improved, and finding someone to love was becoming an increasingly impossible challenge. Would he ever find someone?

"Pretty boy, snap out of it." Morgan says from the cubicle across from him. Reid blinks rapidly, taking in his surroundings. The BAU bullpen.

It was a slow day. They hadn't had a case in a while, which means they actually had to catch up on the paperwork they'd been exponentially putting off. Paperwork days were the only days the team actually wished for a case.

"Oh, I- sorry." Spencer said, trying to focus his eyes back on the stack of files piled high on his desk.

"Daydreaming again?" Morgan asks, but Spencer doesn't answer. "About a girl, maybe?" His tone is annoyingly teasing.

"Definitely not that." Reid lets out a breathy chuckle. Even the thought of a girlfriend had become an absurdity to him.

"You know Reid, on a profiler's salary, you could just get a sugar baby, or something." Morgan laughs loudly, and Emily from the cubicle beside them joins in.

"Yeah Reid! Just pay a woman to love you." She says snarkily. "Like those senile old billionaires that get scammed out of their fortunes just 'cause they've got a hard-on."

A few others joined in to laugh at Emily's joke. It was true, Spencer did have far too much money for a man living alone in an apartment. The only time he spent his growing sum of money was when he bought the occasional new cardigans, books, or paid the bills. He certainly could entertain a woman with his money, if he wanted to.

Not that he did, of course! No, that would just be sad. It would be absolutely pitiful for Spencer Reid to seek a woman to care about him for money. Or would it?

He shook the thought from his head. He wasn't that lonely.

Except he totally was.

And the thought of a woman who was guaranteed to stay, as long as he didn't run out of funds; which he surely wouldn't? It sounded like a utopia to him. Not to mention the fact that spoiling someone sounded... surprisingly attractive.

He tried his best not to let this on to this to the rest of the team. He would never hear the end of it.

That night, the team didn't get called in for a case, which means it was just Spencer, alone in his apartment again. Like he was every night he wasn't working. It was almost pitiful, when he said it to himself like that.

When he arrived, he pulled the door shut behind him, slipped off his shoes and coat, and poured himself a glass of scotch. Then, ashamedly sat down on his sofa, pulling his computer over his lap.

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