chapter two • doctor

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c h a p t e r  t w o

Sugar Sugar was your last ditch effort to keep yourself from having to drop out of your dream college and move back into your childhood home with your parents.

Even the thought of this outcome shot a cold shiver down your spine.

College was unsurprisingly expensive, and a minimum wage job just wasn't going to cover the costs. So, you turned to the least sketchy sugar baby site you could find. And so, Y/N the sugar baby was born.

"Any matches yet?" Asked your dorm-mate Jess from her bed across the room as she scrolled on her phone. You shot her an annoyed glance, shaking your head.

"No such luck. Apparently men want girls with 'manners,'" You made air quotes with your fingers. "Or my last few dates gave me a bad rep." You said, eyes focused on the bright computer screen in front of you, staring down the embarrassingly bare 'applicants' page.

"Ugh, men." She scoffed, and you laughed. "That's what happens when you don't play into their sugar daddy fantasies, Y/N. They want you to pretend they're a big strong man." Jess laughed obnoxiously at your disgusted face, which had screwed into a twisted expression at her words.

"I'd rather move back in with my mother, which is saying something." You grumbled.

Just then a loud ding! sounded from your computer. You gaped at the words on the screen.


"Speak of the devil!" You said out loud, quickly moving to inspect the profile. "A doctor, huh?"

You looked further into the man's description, finding he wasn't a medical doctor, but instead had an obscene amount of pHd's. He had really applied to pay you? Your lips curled into a satisfied smile.

The picture he had attached of himself was stunning. With his sharp jawline, model-bone-structure, and perfect hair, you wondered what on earth could make him turn to this website?
6'1" too? And he'd listed his type as 'educated?'
Plus he was 40, which seemed extreme, but honestly was about 25 years younger than 90% of the men on the site.

Plus, he was obviously willing to pay you, which was the most relevant part.

It was like your dream sugar daddy had jumped from your mind right to your screen. Without another second's hesitation, you clicked the large 'match' button.

Immediately, a chat log opened. Thank god he was still online. You started to type out a message, but before you could send anything, he typed one out first.

DrSpence05: I liked your interest page. You seem funny.

You: you applied to be my sugar daddy because i'm funny?

DrSpence05: You're gorgeous too, of course.
DrSpencer05: I simply figured you probably hear that a lot.

You laughed silently to yourself at the boldly wrong assumption. You figured why not play along, though, right?

You: i suppose it did make you stand out
You: and you're not so bad yourself, doctor

There was a long pause as the 'typing' bubble appeared and then disappeared a few times. You hoped he was just nervous, and you hadn't talked your way out of your next paycheck. The money from the last man you'd met on this website was long gone, and loan payments were creeping up far too fast.

Finally, he responded.

DrSpence05: Thank you, Y/N.
DrSpence05: I've never done this before, so excuse me for asking, but how does this work? What is the first step, exactly?

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