chapter five • suspect

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c h a p t e r f i v e

Over fifteen years of cases prepared Spencer for the routine.

Case brief, jet, to the precinct, to the hotel, back to the precinct early the next morning.

The only difference this time, is that Spencer had a distraction dancing in the back of his mind. An annoyingly gorgeous distraction that never seemed to leave his subconscious. He was starting to feel like the rest of the team had noticed.

"Spencer?" His head jerked up suddenly from his thoughts of her. "You are... out of it today, huh?"
Emily was looking at him skeptically as they drove to their hotel from the local police station they'd spent the last late hours at.

"I'm just exhausted," he sighed. "long day."

Emily nodded in agreement. It'd been a long day for all of them. It was only the first night, yes, but usually they made more progress on a case than this. It was frustrating, to say the least.

The car finally rolled to a stop outside of a local motel. Whenever a case is in a small town, sometimes you have to take what you can get, shitty motel or not. Both Spencer and Emily climbed out from the FBI issued vehicle toward the building ahead.

"Well, if you need to talk about anything-"

"Emily, I know, I know-"

"Girl stuff, boy stuff, mental health-"

"Really!" Spencer interjected. "I'm really, seriously just tired. I'll be fresh in the morning." He ran a hand through his hair absentmindedly. Emily nodded solemnly, and thankfully didn't press the issue further, to Spencers relief.

The room was nothing to write home about. Dingy, small, dim, with water damage on the ceilings and worrying stains on the yellow carpeted floor. It smelled overwhelmingly like mold and Spencer realized how overly comfortable he had gotten to his perfect Virginia apartment.

He'd changed into his pajamas, a t-shirt and plaid cotton pants, when he opened his computer, just for a second, to check his email. This plain was derailed as he saw a bright notification in the corner of his screen.

*3 new messages on Suagr! Sugar!

He sighed. Did he have the energy right now? Probably not. But at the same time, the nagging urge to open the message was so strong, that he'd hardly had the chance to think before he opened it.

Y/N: hey i know ur working, don't want to distract u ofc !!!
Y/N: but i thought this might brighten your day (since it was financed by your generous donations)

He saw an image attached, but it hadn't loaded yet. After the image, sent around a half and hour after the other messages, was a separate line of text.

Y/N: don't feel pressured to respond! save lives, fight crime or whatever, we'll talk whenever u are free x

The image loaded.

Y/N, scantily clad in what must have had to been a slip, or something else from the underwear section. It was red and lacy and oh fuck. She was so gorgeous. She was posed in a full length mirror, her ass facing it, reflecting perfect and perky into the camera lens of her phone.

She'd sent this of her own free will. She hadn't even asked for any financial compensation. Wasn't that the deal? This was not in the agreement. Why had she sent him this?

And why did it have to turn him on so much?

He was already hard. Alone in the hotel room, there was no reason to hide or deny it. He was feeling warm, his cheeks flushed and he studied the image like it was information important to the case.

If he... relieved himself, surely it would help him sleep, that was backed by science. If he could get better sleep, then he would be fresh in the morning and could be more help to the team and everyone involved here. So really, this was for the greater good.

Or at least that's what Spencer told himself as his right hand snaked past the elastic waistline of his pajama pants and boxers.


His eyes alternated between fluttering shut in pleasure and staring intently on his computer screen. He stroked himself slowly and intently, building it up.

First he imagined she was right in front of him, spinning and showing herself off in the ridiculously short slip. It was easy for him to convince himself that she was really there, looking at him, showing off everything she knows she has.

Then, he imaged he was taking it off of her. He pictured it ten times over, the way the flimsy fabric would lift easily off her form. Sometimes she would take it off herself, and he would watch, and his mind filled in all the unknown details of what was under it.

He was seriously about to cum. It wasn't usually this fast, he thought, continuing to stroke his dick in long motions that had gotten increasingly faster without any intention of his own. He pushed his pants and boxers down, letting his length rise from its restraints and slap lewdly onto his clothed stomach. He was so, so close.

Finally, he imagined touching her. Her soft skin, her breasts, her hips, her pussy, everything in between. He could practically feel her warmth beneath his lips and he panted in hot, short breaths. Most of all, he imagined that she was touching him back. In his mind, his own hand had already been replaced by hers. Her painted nails, her gentle fingers, her perfect mouth-

Oh fuck-

And he was finished. He sat in silence, for almost a full minute, contemplating the moral integrity of what he'd just done, before glancing back down at the computer that'd been pushed to the side of him.

Spencer: I will say I throughly enjoyed that picture.
Spencer: It brightened my day (well, night, actually.)

He wasn't sure it was the right thing to say. Anything more detailed and it would start to be obvious that he'd just jerked off to her picture. Anything less assuring, and it'd seem like he hadn't appreciated it, which obviously he had. Spencer attempted to keep it vague, but hoped his response really showed how much he enjoyed it.

After pressing send, Spencer's vivid imagination of Y/N eventually put him to sleep.

He would wake up the next morning well rested and refreshed, though not at all free from the image of her which refused to vanish from his mind for the duration of the case.


i just know spencer is a whiny motherfucker in bed

like KNOW he is LOUD and he is definitely a moaner and not a grunter c'mon let's be honest here

anyways i personally don't like fic with a lot of case details so i'm sorry if that's your taste, we will be skipping the duration of the case because i'm trying to keep this SEXY and not DEPRESSING <3

lots o' love,


sugar! sugar! • spencer reid x reader Where stories live. Discover now