| Chapter 19: New Place |

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A/N: I do NOT own the lovely fan art above! All credit goes to the rightful owner!



He instantly felt her tremble just from the slight touch of her shoulder. The obsidian hedgehog swiftly turned her around to where she was facing him, keeping a firm hold on her shoulders.

"Sh-Shadow...I-I d-don't feel s-so w-well-"

Barely finishing her sentence, her legs gave out. Shadow quickly caught the lavender girl, scooping her into his arms.

A feeble moan escaped her throat as exhaustion took over. The raven-colored hedgehog's gaze rested upon her. His eyelids lowered half way, obscuring the deep concern lingering within his crimson irises.

That teleportation spell must've took a lot out of her.

He thought to himself, failing to notice Rouge and a younger möbian facing in his direction, standing only a few feet away from him.

"Who's that Mister Shadow?"



That's all the lavender girl could make out as she slowly regained her senses.

Her heavy eye-lids struggled to flutter open as she let out a shaky sigh. She began to shiver as her senses progressively came back to her, realizing that she no longer laid limp in Shadow's arms.

Instead, she found herself floating in some sort of an abyss.

W-Where am I? What is this place...?

Loads of questions immediately rushed through her mind, as her eyes scanned the blank atmosphere for any possible clues to identify where she was.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to be seen. She really was aimlessly drifting in a void of nothingness...

...Or so she thought.


The lilac-colored möbian slightly jerked at the sudden voice that slivered it's way through the darkness. Her head snapped up as she hastily searched for the source of the sound, but to her surprise, no one was there.

Calm down Twilight! This is just a dream...you're probably just hearing things, that's all.

Despite the small mental pep-talk she gave herself, she couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling amongst her.

Silence filled the uncanny atmosphere once again. The silence was briefly followed by relief as Twilight softly exhaled.

Just as she was adapting to the stillness amidst her, a menacing chuckle began to invade the atmosphere.

"You shouldn't deceive yourself young one."

The girl's body immediately tensed up from the dark voice's sudden return. Barely mustering enough courage to even speak, a soft but frightened whimper escaped her throat.

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