| Chapter 20: Blooming Friendships |

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A/N: I do NOT own the beautiful fan art above! All credit goes to the rightful owner!


Before the bunny could lay a finger on the distressed lavender girl, Twilight instantly yelped as her upper body quickly jolted up in bed. Her eyes were wide open, beads of sweat trickling down her forehead as she shakily exhaled.

She surprisingly hadn't noticed the young bunny rabbit and her chao friend that stood and floated before her. Therefore, her alarmed reaction was fairly expected when a sudden yet sweet voice broke through the quiet atmosphere.

Twilight's head instantly snapped in the direction of the voice, her gaze meeting the gentle but concerned brown eyes of a cream-furred young rabbit.

"Are you ok, Ms.Twilight?"

A/N: Hi y'all! First off, I want to just apologize for not updating for an extremely long time. I had to take a long hiatus from writing this fanfic due to the occurrence of many events this past year. However, now that I have a bit more free time on my hands, I will try updating more often. While I can't guarantee that my updates will be consistent, I will try to publish future chapters as soon as possible. Also, I extend great gratitude to those who may have supported this fanfic in the past and to those who continue to support this fan fiction. Overall, thank you all so very much for your patience and valuable time and without further ado, may I present to you, Chapter 20 of Opposite Worlds! 💖


Back in Equestria...

Spike and the Main 5 were still imprisoned in their lifeless yet sturdy dungeon cells. The malicious ruler, King Sombra informed them of the foreign creature that mercilessly claimed Equestria as theirs. However, he purposefully did so in a vague manner, cruelly leaving the prisoners with even more lingering questions. Figuratively and literally.

There was a moment of silence that followed the unsettling slam of the steel dungeon door. While many preferred to express their hopelessness in pure silence, one soul very much disagreed with the thought of giving up.

A sudden loud bang could be heard, coincidentally from the cell of a sky blue pegasus who still had hope of escape. The pegasus' stubborn and fierce nature was quite recognizable to Applejack as she grunted in annoyance.

"Rainbow! Pipe it down will ya!"

"Like I said before, not happening!"

Rainbow Dash retorted, the sky blue pegasus tone harsher than before as she attempted another blow on the bars of her cell. The tangerine-toned earth pony briefly rolled her eyes before tilting her tan hat downward enough to shadow over her face.

Despite the loud ruckus that quickly overtook the gloomy dungeon, the others managed to hear groans and whines from Rarity's cell.

"R-Rarity are you ok?"

Spike stammers worriedly, becoming even more concerned for the violet-colored maned unicorn when her exasperated groans grew louder.

"Urgh...I think I found a weak spot in my cell..."


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