| Chapter 12: The Company of Comfort |

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Too much silence for Shadow's liking.

It's...quiet. Too quiet, he pondered, treading silently towards the lavender girl.

When he was able to get a closer view of her, he noticed her eyes were opened but weren't nictating.

He placed his gloved hand on her bare shoulder expecting her to flinch, but she didn't budge, not even in the slightest.

That is when he knew that she accompanied by none other than...

Sleep paralysis.

A/N: The fan art above was drawn by me specifically for this chapter. I hope you all like it and enjoy Chapter 12 of Opposite Worlds!


Shadow found himself holding the motionless lavender möbian in his arms.

He wasn't the comforting type nor did he care whether he was or not at the moment.

Twilight began to hyperventilate. A few tear droplets escaped her melancholic, violet irises followed by a waterfall of tears.

Her breath hitched when she felt something on her cheek.

"Shh, It'll all be over soon~"

Shadow caressed her cheek ever so gently, calming the once panicked girl in the process.

His gloved-fingers combed through her smooth, sapphire-blue hair, wiping away her tears with his thumb.

As Shadow expected, It only took a minute before Twilight was freed from her temporarily paralyzed state.

She felt slightly elated knowing that she regained mobility, but that elatedness was quickly replaced with absolute terror.

The obsidian hedgehog felt the pitiful girl fearfully tremble in his arms.

He gently stroked the back of her head, holding her closer. Twilight looked up just to see the same nonchalant crimson irises that gazed down at her that unforgettable night.


The lavender möbian still had a bit of difficulty speaking which greatly irritated her. Shadow sensed her aggravation and sighed.

"Don't talk, just rest."

"B-but I-I, Sh-Sh...aaad-"

"Rest," he sternly demanded, sending shivers down the young one's spine.

The lilac-colored möbian nuzzled against his soft fur as a few stray tears flowed down her cheeks, slightly soaking his chest fur.

She felt her face heat up as Shadow's hand caressed her cheek once more.

Twilight felt her eyelids grow heavier, but refused to give in to exhaustion.

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